Chapter 32

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A.N. A lot of drama in this chapter-

''Shit. Shit. Shit.'' I curse, staring at the positive pregnancy in front of me. Yes, you heard me right. Positive pregnancy test. I'm pregnant. Again. In my fifties.

The truth is, I don't want to be. Not because I don't love the baby, because they're Robbie's. Robbie abuses me, and has been since we first got together four months ago. He would hit me, kick me, shout verbal abuse at me, and rape me.

I was so scared to end it, so I put up with it. But now I'm pregnant I can't. I need some advice. I need my son.

Picking up my phone, I dial Joe's number.

Hey Mum, you alright? He answers.

No, not really. I need some advice, can I come to Brighton? 

Are you alright? I can hear the worry in his voice.

Not really. Can I please just come over?

Sure Mum, you know you're always welcome.

Thank you, I'll see you in about two hours.

OK, see you soon. We say bye and I hang up. Grabbing my car and house keys, I get into my car and drive to Joe and Dianne's.

/ / / /

Pulling up outside their house, I shakily ring the doorbell. ''Oh hi Trace, how are you?'' Di smiles, letting me in.

''I'm alright, how are you all?'' I smile a little.

''We're good thank you. Come on through.'' Smiling, we go into the living room.

''Hey Mum, are you alright? You sounded worried on the phone.'' Joe comes over concerned.

''Can you both please sit down, I need to talk to you.'' My words are serious.

''Oh shit.'' Joe whispers, as we all sit down.

''So...'' I start, telling them everything not leaving anything out. ''And yeah, now I'm pregnant. From a man who raped me.'' I break down into tears. They both pull me into them, as I sob into Dianne's chest.

''Why didn't you tell us sooner?'' Joe asks.

''I was scared. I am scared. Joe, what do I do? I'm in my fifties and I'm pregnant. How the hell do I raise a baby at my age?'' I sob, staring into my son's blue eyes.

''I'll tell you what you're going to do. You're going to leave that sick bastard, and if you want to, raise the baby, with us by your side.''  

''It's not that simple Joe. He said if I leave him, he'd make yours and Dianne's lives hell. Because apparently you did something to piss him off?'' I sniff.

''Us? We don't even know the guy, do we Dot?''

''Trace, what is Robbie's surname?'' I can see the cogs working in her brain.

''Harland, why?'' 

She gasps. ''Oh my God, I knew I recognized him.''

''What do you mean, Dotty?'' Joe looks at Dianne confused.

''Robbie is Ryder's Dad.'' She breathes.

''Oh my God, it all makes sense. He was repeating revenge over and over again.'' I admit.

''I'm going to fucking kill him.'' Joe snarls, standing up. He grabs his car keys, and slams the door behind him.

''JOE.'' Dianne and I both shout after him.

''Shit, he's going to get himself into trouble.'' She sighs.

''Can you see if your neighbour will watch Noah? We need to after him.'' 

''Yeah, grab Noah, I'll ask Helen.'' She panics, running next door.

/ / / /

Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.  Dianne frantically calls Joe. No answer. Shit.

Joe, sweetheart, please phone me back when you get this. We're worried about you. We don't know where you are I try him next.

Just then, my phone rings. Joe, thank you goodness. Where are you, honey?

Mum, I'm fine. Stop phoning me. I was on my way to Robbie's but then I realised I didn't know where he lives.

Joe, just come home.

No! He's going to pay for what he's done. Him and Ryder. He snarls. I need his address.

I'm not giving you it, Joe. Sweetheart, please come home. Dot's worried about you. I try to coax my son home.

I'm not coming home. Not yet. Give me his address Mum.

Joe please

NO. Give me his address

He was scaring me, so I did as he asked.

65 Huntington Lane, Surrey CR2 5ER

Do NOT  follow me. 

Is all he says before he hangs up. ''Are we really listening to him?'' Dianne asks.

''No of course not. We need to get there before Joe. Come on, let's go.'' 

/ / / / 

''Shit, Joe's beaten us to it.'' I curse, seeing his Peugeot parked round the corner.

''Maybe he hasn't gone in yet?''

''Hopeful- Shit,'' I stop. ''He's getting out the car. Dianne, you need to stop him.'' I beg.

 She nods, scared. But approaches Joe. ''Joe honey.'' 

''I thought I told you not to follow me?'' 

''Joe please come home. He's not worth it.'' She begs.

''Bullshit,'' He shouts, causing us to jump and the door to open. ''You,'' He snarls. ''You fucking sick bastard,'' Grabbing him by his shirt, he pushes him against the wall. ''How dare you do that to my Mum, and how dare your son do that to my wife. You're a sick bastard. The pair of you. I am going to fucking kill you. You raped my Mum,'' Then he punches him in the stomach.

''Joe stop it!'' Dianne cries, burying her head into the crook of my neck.

Just then a neighbour approaches us. ''Excuse me, can I help?'' 

''Stay the fuck away.'' Joe snarls.

''Yes you can phone the police on this psycho.'' Robbie spits.

''NO!'' Both I and Dianne cry.

''Sorry, but it's abuse.'' The neighbour shakes his head, phoning the police.

''Joe, stop! You're going to get yourself arrested.'' Dianne cries, trying to coax him away.

He ignores her as he carries on hitting him.

The noise of sirens makes Joe jump and stop. ''Shit.'' He mumbles.

''Arrest this man, he's a psycho.'' Robbie spits, trying to stand up.

''No, please, don't. He's done nothing wrong.'' Dianne begs, as they handcuff him.

''Joseph Sugg I am arresting you on suspicion of gross bodily harm and unprovoked attacking of Mr Robbie Harland, you do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence". 

He doesn't say a word, he just puts his head down as he's placed into the police car. Mouthing the words I'm sorry. He's carted away.

This really is not good.

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