Chapter 15

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""Joe, I've got blood. We need to go to the hospital." Those words lingered in my head. I couldn't think of anything else as those words clouded my thoughts.
"I'm scared Joe. What if I'm losing the baby. I can't lose another one." She cries, sobbing into my chest.

"Right, look at me Dotty," She lifts her head up. "Right now we can't think like that, we need to get you to the hospital. Yes I won't lie, I'm scared too, of course I am. But we need to focus on getting you looked at. Come on, let's go." I grab her hand but she pulls it back, and my car keys as we make our way to the hospital.

I was just hoping and praying to God, this wasn't Dianne's second miscarriage.

/ / / /

"Your baby is absolutely fine," Cassie smiles, as we both let a breath we had held in, go. "No problems or anything to worry about. You've got a very healthy baby." She smiles.
"Thank God," Dianne sighs. "So why did I have the blood, is that normal?"
"That is absolutely normal. It's what is called spotting which is very common in pregnancy. You have absolutely nothing to worry about, OK? I can promise you now, your baby is perfectly healthy," Cassie reassures us. "Look, I'll even show you." She turns the screen around for us to see,

" She turns the screen around for us to see,

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"God look how much bigger they are." I smile, as I go to grab Dianne's hand to hold, but she pulls away. Yep, she's mad at me.

"So everything is fine?" I hear Dianne ask.
"Yes perfectly." Cassie smiles.
"So are we free to go?" She nods. Di gets up and walks out the door.

/ / / /

"Baby please talk to me." I beg, banging on our bedroom door.
"GO AWAY." I hear her shout.
"Dotty please." I sigh.
She opens the door with a huge suitcase in her hand. "Where are you going?"
"Home." She speaks coldly.
"Home? As in Australia?" I didn't dare speak.
"Yes, Joe. Home. Where I am from." She rolls her eyes.
"But why?"
"Why do you think? I can't be with someone who has a love child. I don't want our child to have a sibling that is not fully related to them."
"Sweetheart, please. Do you really believe he's mine?" I ask, I go to look her in the eye and take her hand, this time she doesn't pull back.
"I..." She looks down. "I don't know what to think."
"Trust me, he's not mine. He looks nothing like me." I admit.
"He doesn't. He looks like Ryder did as a ki-oh my God," She stops. "Joe I think Mason could be Ryder's."
"Do you um, have any pictures of Ryder as a baby?"
She nods, finding his Facebook and showing me. "He was three in this one. Same age as Mason."
"Shit, Dot, he's his double. We need to find Mara." I say.
"Joe wait," I turn my head as Dianne walks closer to me and slams me against the wall. She wraps her arms around me, and kisses me. "I'm sorry," She breathes as we pull away. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."
"Hey, you don't need to apologise. It's fine. I was just scared I'd lost you." I admit.
"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, I promise," She lifts both our engagement ring fingers up. "You see these," I nod, smiling. "These prove I'm here. For good. This girl is going nowhere." I kiss her hand.
"I love you." I mumble.
"I love you too," She smiles. "Now, let's go and find that bitch." She smirks.

/ / / /

"Right so the plan is...."

"Mara. Mara. Mara. Open the door." Dianne bangs on it, crying.
She opens it. "Oh my God, are you OK?" She asks, this side to her was very rare.

She shakes her head, "Joe's been in a crash. I'm pregnant. I think I'm misscarrying. And. And."
"Slow down. Tell me what happened?"
"We were arguing about your little boy , and I told him that if he turns out be to his I'd leave him and go back to Australia. He said he'd rather die than lose me. So he stormed out, got in the car and left. I got a call from the hospital saying he's in a critical condition and he's got two weeks to live. I'm losing his baby too, I can't lose them both. This is your fault, Mara." She glares.
"Oh my God, it is my fault," She cries. "If I hadn't of lied about Mason being his, he wouldnt be in this situation. Dianne is it, I'm so sorry." Bingo.
"I knew it!" I say coming out of my hiding and.
"Joe?" She looks surprised.
"Surprised to see me, huh Mara?" I laugh bitterly. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"I thought that if I said Mason was yours, you'd come back to me. I miss you, Joe. I really miss you. I shouldn't have dumped you. You deserve better." She replies.
"You broke my heart, Mara. I never thought I'd love again. But you know what? I'm glad we're not together anymore, because you're right I do deserve better. And I've got more than better. I've got this beautiful woman on my arm, my beautiful fiancée. Who is carrying my baby," I wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her shoulder then her head. My hand falling to her stomach, as Dianne smiles and snuggles further into me. "I never knew what being in love was like, not properly. Not until I met Di. This woman has 100% shown me what being in love is truly like and I can't wait to marry her," I turn to Dianne and smile. "I can't wait to marry you."
"And I can't wait to marry you either. Lets not wait." She smiles.
"What?" I look at her shocked.
"I mean it, let's not wait Joe. Let's get married, before little un is born. I want to take your surname sooner rather than later. Today has made me realise that," She glares at Mara before smiling at me. "What do you say?"
"I say," I bop her on the nose. "let's do it. Let's get married soon." Acting like there was only two of us in the room, we kiss with not a care in the world.

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