Chapter 26

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Today was a quite a big day. We were having Aleeia overnight as Zoe and Alfie were off to a wedding in Manchester and because she's so young they didn't want her travelling too far, and unsettle her. So Joe and I said we'd have her for the night.

This was also three weeks until our wedding and Noah is now eight months old. We'd have a test on our hands, to see what it is like with two children.

''Dianne come here, quick.'' I run to Joe's voice.

''Is everyt-.'' I stop in my tracks at the sight. There in front of Joe and I was our boy, crawling  to Joe. ''Oh my God, that's it, bud. Crawl to Mummy.'' I had tears in my eyes.

''You did it bud, I'm so proud of you.'' I gush, as Joe pulls me into him.

''So clever.'' Joe beams, kissing his head, then mine.

''He's growing up so quickly.'' I sigh.

''I know, tell me about it.'' Joe sighs back.

''I'm so proud of him, though.'' 

''Yeah, me too.'' He smiles.

''Are you ready to take on two babies under one?'' I giggle.

''Bring it,'' He chuckles. ''I'm gonna have a shower before Zalfie arrive.'' 

''OK, I'll get Noah ready.'' 

''Cool. I won't be long.'' I nod, as he kisses my forehead and heads upstairs.

/ / / /

''I've expressed her milk, her nappies are in this bag along with her clothes, and her d-.''

''Zo, we got this.'' Joe chuckles.

''Right, sorry,'' She laughs. ''I guess I'm just nervous as we've never left her before. But I trust you both, implicitly.'' She smiles.

''I know its scary. But trust me, if anything happens we'll ring you straight away, OK?'' I assure her.

''We know, thank you for looking after her. Ring us if you need us, and we'll see you tomorrow,'' Alfie smiles. ''Give Dada a kissy,'' He coos, kissing his daughter. ''Mumma and me love you. Be good for Uncle Joe and Auntie Dot, OK munchkin.'' He passes  Aleeia over to Joe, who bounces her on his knee.

''It'll be fun. She's fine, see?'' I turn to see Joe pulling funny faces. ''Go have fun, and we'll see you tomorrow.'' I smile.

''Right, yeah. We're going. Thanks again,'' Zoe smiles. ''Bye baby, be a good girl. Mummy loves you, and we'll see you tomorrow.'' She kisses her lips.

''Zo we need to leave.'' He chuckles. 

''OK, sorry,'' She laughs. ''See you tomorrow.'' Hugging us, they leave.

''Right baba's, shall we go to the park?'' Joe asks.

/ / / /

We had arrived at the big park and headed straight to feed the ducks. 

There were dogs running around, being chased by little kids as they laughed. I heard Noah's laugh as one came up to us, ever so gently. ''Hi, buddy.'' I coo, as I stroke the little fluffy thing.

''Aww he's cute.'' Joe gushes.

''I know,'' I smile. Noah reaches his hand out, as he points to the dog. ''Here bud, let me help you. Be careful. That's it, good boy.'' I praise him, as he gently strokes the dog, who was so good with him.

''Rover,'' A voice shouts as a lady comes over. ''Oh I'm so sorry.'' 

''Oh no, it's perfectly fine,'' I smile. ''He's doing no harm at all. In fact, he's been so protective of my son.''

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