Chapter 6

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It had been two weeks since we'd come back from Rome, and I hadn't left my room. The boys were trying to coax me out, but it wasn't working. I was suffering from a broken heart. I was in love. 100% in love with her, and I couldn't have her.
I didn't tell Di that I hadn't left my room, because I didn't want her to worry about me, she's been rehearsing and performing none stop so she doesn't need this on top of everything else.

It was nearing the end of Burn The Floor. Well she has three week's left, and I couldn't be there to watch her, sadly. But she knows how proud I am of her. I've had so many work commitments that I've not had chance to go. But I'd promised her I'd go to at least the last show, so we could celebrate it.

"Joe, mate, come on. Breakfast." Byron calls.
"Not hungry, thanks mate." I call back.
"Joe, seriously, come out. You need to eat."
"Bru, I told you, I'm not hungry." I lie. Truth be told, I'm starving.

"I give up. Caspar, your turn." He sighs, before walking away.
"Joe, buddy. Can you open the door?" Caspar calls.
I don't answer. "Joe seriously, you're being childish." That did it. That made me open the door.
"Childish? Really Caspar?" I scowl at him. "Caspar, have you ever been in love?"
"No?" He questioned. "I don't think I ever have."
"Exactly, so you don't know what it's like. Caspar, I've known her four weeks, but I'm head over heels in love with her. I can't stop thinking about her. The butterflies and the tingly sensation I get when I'm with her and even not with her. The way she kisses me. The way she runs her fingers through my hair, how her soft fingers tickle my bare chest. Her beautiful honey brown eyes. Her amazing sense of humour. Her figure, God her figure," Especially when naked. My inner thoughts speak. "What have I done? I-" I stop, jumping from my bed.
"What are you doing?" Caspar asks as I pull my suitcase out.
"I'm going to America. I'm going to get my girl."

/ / / /

After a long eleven hours, I'd arrived in San Francisco. Now I need a plan. How can I ask Dianne to be my girlfriend? How can I convince her that long distance works? Wait, no. That's it. We don't need long distance. I'm going to move to Australia. You'll probably all think I'm crazy, but she's the one. And I mean the one.

I can't live without her anymore. It's true what they say. There is such thing as love at first sight. Because I now truly believe that. I fell in love with her the minute I met her.

I'd direct messaged Kevin Clifton, I explained who I am, etc and to not tell Dianne that I'm here, as I want to surprise her.

He said I'd have a backstage pass waiting for me at the door, I'd just need to show security my ID and he'd give it me.

I was so excited but also really nervous too, I didn't know what I was going to say. How she'd react. I know she hasn't met anyone, as we talk none stop every single day. Sometimes even twice, three times a day. She tells me she misses me, and vice versa. She tells me she wishes she could be with me right now. I wish that more than anything.

I'll tell you one thing, Dianne made my dreams come true. Do you remember when I said I'd like to meet a hot, young Italian? Well, Dianne is half Italian. She definitely made my dreams come true.

"I'm sorry I only made half your dreams come true." I remember her telling me when I mentioned it, thus causing me to reply with,
"No, you made all my dreams come true."
"Smooth, Joe." She had giggled, which caused me to wink.

God I miss her so much. I need to kiss her. Touch her. Feel her.

Roll on tonight.

/ / / /

"Cheers, mate." I smile to the security guard as he hands me my ID.
Heading backstage, I meet Kevin. "You must be Joe?"
"That's me. Thanks so much for this, by the way. I really appreciate it." I smile.
"No worries man, its my pleasure. She misses you, you know. She talks about you alllll the time." I blush.
"I miss her too, so much." I sigh.
"Anyway, if you want to hang in here. I'll message you when we're nearing the end, then you can come to the back of the stage and surprise her?" I nod.
"Sounds perfect." I smile.
"Are you ready to get your girl?"
"More than ready." I grin.

It was nearing the end of the show, I was in amazement at her. She's so incredibly talented, I was mesmerised the whole time. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. And the dress she had on, it didn't leave much to my imagination. Jesus, I'm a goner.

Getting into position, I hear the audience roar and clap as they all take their bows.

Ready, Sugg.

I take a deep breath just as I hear her gorgeous voice. "Kev, why are we going this w-Joe?" She stops, her mouth open wide. She starts to cry, pulling me in. "Oh my God, what are you doing here?"
"I told you I'd see at least one of the shows," I chuckle. Taking her hand I lead her to her dressing room. "Gosh I've missed you." I breathe her in. She smelt incredible.

"I've missed you too. I can't believe you're here." I wipe a stray tear that had fallen from her eyes, as I speak.
"You were incredible up there, Di," I begin. "Di, I need to tell you something," I pause feeling my breathing hitch. "There's a reason I came all the way here," My palms were sweaty. "Dianne, I can't live without you. I really can't. You're all I think about. You're the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about before I go to bed. I haven't been eating or sleeping properly because all I want is to have you here, with me. Dot," I use her childhood nickname. "I know you said you can't do long distance, but I need to say this," Rubbing her hand with my thumb. "Dianne Buswell, I'm tired of being away from you. I want to be with you. I am crazy about you. I erm, I am head over heels in love with you. Dianne, I'm not going back to England. I'm staying here with you." I finish.
"Joe I-"
"No Dianne, please. I love you. I want us to work. I want this to work."
"No Dianne. Don't do this, please."
"Joe! Will you just listen?" She giggles. "I'm trying to tell you something," I nod. "You don't need to move to Australia,"
Oh great, she's met someone else "Because I'm moving to London."
Wait, what?
"Wait, what!?" I have a look of pure shock on my face.
"I've been offered the opportunity to become a professional dancer on Dancing With The Stars UK and I took it." I didn't know what to say. So I just picked her up and spun her round, causing her to squeal.
"I don't believe it. I actually can't believe it. You're moving to London?"
She nods. "Yes, I couldn't turn it down. Its too big of an opportunity to miss. I'll be moving after I finish this," I have the biggest smile on my face, I just kiss her. With so much love and passion. "Oh and Joe?" I nod. "I love you too, I'm head over heels in love with you too. You have no idea how long I've waited to tell you." I was so happy I could cry.
If possible, I pull her even closer to me, wrapping my arms around her. As she tangles her fingers in my hair, I kiss her begging for entrance which she allows.

Things got pretty heated, fast.

/ / / /

Getting my breath back, and with Dianne tickling my bare chest, I sit up with her in my arms. I turn my head towards her, staring into her big brown eyes.

"Dianne, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

Looking at me with a tear in her eye and a smile on her face, she answers with a kiss. "Yes Joe, I will be your girlfriend."

Not the best way to end this chapter I'm sorry. I was running out of ideas of how to end this part. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway 😊

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