Chapter 31

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We'd been back from honeymoon two weeks now and it was amazing.

But it also got me thinking. I wanted to buy us a holiday home in Australia. I'd always wanted a holiday home abroad somewhere, and I love Aus. So, surprising Dianne, I'd bought us one.

It was actually amazing, and as soon as I'd seen it I knew I needed it.

''Hey, Dotty, come here a minute.'' I call. After putting Noah down for a nap, she comes through to the office.

''You called?'' She smiles, sitting on my lap, as my hand rests on her stomach.

''Yeah, I've got a surprise for you.'' I grin.

''Oh? What's that?'' She asks, excited.

''Well do you remember me saying how I'd love a holiday home aboard?'' She nods. ''Well, I spotted the most perfect one for us, in Aus.'' I grin.

''What? Oh my God, are you serious? Where in Aus?'' She asks with excitement in her voice.

''In Perth.'' I grin.

''You are incredible, do you know that? Can I see it?'' She beams.

''Of course you can. Here.'' I pull the page up, showing her.

'' I pull the page up, showing her

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