Chapter 2

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A.N. Just a quick note to say that I've changed the story description a little as I had a brain wave which I think will make this story better.
Sorry if the synopsis is confusing, it'll be easy to understand half way through 😊
Also, I'm going to attempt to write one shots on the side, so leave me some suggestions in the comments box either on here or my one shot book!

"Rome we are in you." My best friend, Amy, squeals as we check in to the amazing hotel. We had rooms next door to each other. Grabbing my room key, I wheel my suitcase through the door, gasping at the sight in front of me.


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Wow. This room was amazing. I can't wait for this holiday. Me, Amy and our other friend Oti decided to come away for a week before we start our new jobs. I'm from Australia, I'm twenty two, and I'm going to be travelling all over America, for professional dancer Kevin Clifton's tour, Burn The Floor. I'm absolutely honoured to be apart of this as I'd love to be a professional dancer myself one day. So this will definitely get my foot in the door.

After I'd messily unpacked, I change into something cooler as we make our way down to the pool area.

Laying my towel down on the sun lounger, I place my sunglasses on, grab my book and start to read, as I bask in the Italian sunshine.

Around an hour later, I'm still laid in the same position as before, hopefully going brown. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to catch a few rays.

Just as I'm settled a huge mound of water splashes me, causing me to scream.

"Oh my God," I jump up from my seat. Shivering, I grab my towel, wrapping it around me.
"Caspar, you idiot," A male voice shouts. "I'm so sorry, my stupid friend here," He points to a very tall blonde. "thought it was a good idea to dive bomb into the pool full of people." He shakes his head. I slowly look up to face him. My god, those eyes. Those beautiful, sea blue eyes. They were boring into me. They could make anyone go weak at the knees. "Hello? Are you alright?" Pretty blue eyes asks.
Snap out of it, Dianne. I reprimand myself.
"Sorry," I blush. "yes I'm fine. Thank you for apologising, but there's no need. Really, I'm fine. Just a bit of fun, no harm done." I smile.
"Still, I'm sorry for my idiot friend," He laughs before going nervous. Cute. "Can I, erm, buy you a drink?" Oh. That caught me off guard. "My way of saying sorry."
"Me?" I ask, pointing to myself.
He chuckles, "Yes you," He smiles. "Unless you're here with your boyfriend then forget I asked." He scratches his neck nervously.

I giggle, before shaking my head. "No I'm sadly single." I sigh.
"Really?" I nod sadly. "I find that very hard to believe, a beautiful girl like you, single," I blush. His eye's widen. "I, uh..." He stutters.
"Thank you, er..." I realise I don't know his name.
"Joe." He smiles.
"Thank you, Joe. That's very sweet of you. And to answer your earlier question, yes. I'd love that drink." I smile. My insides did something I'd never felt before.

"Great. Erm, where are you staying?"
"The Royale Plaza."
"No way! I'm staying there too." He replies.
"Oh my goodness, really?" He nods.
"Wow. What a small world." I giggle.
"It is indeed. Shall I pick you up at 6, or do you have plans then?" He went nervous again. Bless him, he's so cute.
"Six is perfect," I smile "Here, pass me your phone." He nods, passing me his phone as I add my number.
"Dianne, huh?" I nod. "Well Dianne, I'll see you at six, beautiful." He winks, before smiling and walking off.

Biting my lip, I sigh, I couldn't help but smile. "Who was that?" Oti smirks, seeing the smile on my face.
"No one." I reply far too quickly.
She raises a brow. "Come on, Buswell," She laughs. "Spill."

I blush the same red shade as my hair. "OK fine." I giggle.

I tell Amy and Oti the full story. "So why is Joe buying you a drink, when it was his friend who soaked you?" Amy asks.
"I didn't ask to be honest. I guess he was being a gentleman." I reply.
"Come on, Di." Oti laughs.
"This Joe boy clearly wants to either get to know you, or get into your pants. I'd say the latter."
"Oti!" I scold.
"I'm just being honest. I mean, do you really think he'd be asking you out for a drink just to get to know you? Don't be so naive Dianne."

I gasp, not believing what I'd just heard from one of my best friends.
"Oti," I shake my head. "How dare you!? How dare you call me naive. How fucking dare you. I thought you were my friend," I shake my head. "Who says Joe doesn't want to get to know me? Hmm? Who says he's not being a gentleman? And that he wants to buy me a drink. Joe seems really sweet and wants to apologise for his friend. You're unbelievable, Oti." I can feel tears sting my eyes.
Bitterly laughing, she replies." Dianne, you've been single for two and a half years. Joe will probably take advantage of you. I mean, you did tell him, didn't you?"

I shake my head ."Actually, Oti, I didn't," I grit my teeth. "Good to know who my real friends are." With that, I grab my things. Not even turning back, I walk away. Hearing Amy screaming DIANNE at me, as I walk. I'd never felt so humiliated. Ever.

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