Chapter 3

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Joe are you free?

My fingers angrily type away. I was perplexed. How on earth did Oti think that was appropriate to say that?
I was actually really excited about tonight. Now, not so much.

A few minutes later my phone buzzed.
Hey are you OK? I'm just finishing up with the lads. Wanna meet me in five?

I smiled a little. A boy I've known, what? Not even a day, can do this to me. He's definitely got something on me. I'm hooked.

Yeah. Room 1001, I'll see ya in five. Oh and Joe, bring some alcohol

I know it's 12PM, but I need some alcohol to drown my sorrows.

/ / / /

"Room service." Joe knocks on my door, as I giggle from behind it at his funny accent he'd put on.
Opening it , I giggle and cursty. "Why thank you kind sir."

He laughs, before his face softens when he hears me sigh. "Are you alright?" He asks with concern.

I shake my head, the tears I'd kept inside now spilling out. "Dianne?" I can feel my breathing hitch. Holding a hand to my chest. I black out, only the feeling of Joe's arms picking me up is all I can register.

Once I'd managed to calm myself down, I turn to Joe. "I'm sorry." I sniff.
"Hey, you don't need to apologise. Are you OK?" He had concern laced in his voice.

Shaking my head, I tell him what had happened.

"... And the reason Oti said that, was because," I pause.
"It's OK, you don't need to explain." Joe smiles.
"No no it's fine," I smile a little. "The reason Oti said that is because all my exes have either cheated on me, only wanted me for sex, or both. So, she assumed that because you're a guy, you'd find out that I'd always been cheated on, not find me attractive and use that to your advantage," I take a deep breath. "I guess she's just looking out for me."

He doesn't say anything straight away. Instead, he takes my hand and looks into my eyes. "Dianne," He starts. "What Oti said is not true. At all. I'm so sorry you've been cheated on, I really am. No one deserves that. Especially you. But I'm not like the others, I can guarantee you that. I erm, happen to think you're beautiful," I blush. "Honestly I do. I know we've just met, but my God, Dianne," He pauses. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. And my ex is a model," He chuckles. Figures. Of course she is. "Do you want to know the real reason for this holiday?" I nod. "My ex, Mara, broke up with me three weeks ago,"
"Mara. Sounds beautiful." I whisper only loud enough for me to hear.
"She broke up with me via text. If anything Dianne, I'm in the same boat as you." He finishes.
"The Model?" I ask.
"Yeah, the model..." He sighs. "My friends were right about her," He runs a hand through his hair. "they told me she'd end up breaking my heart. They warned me she was using me. But did I listen? No, I didn't. I was so in love. Well, what I thought being in love was, with her. I thought she was in love with me, but how could she be?! If you really love someone. Like, painstakingly, love someone, you don't break their heart," His voice cracks."So trust me when I say this. I'm not asking you out on this date to just get in your pants," He smiles. 'I'm a shit shag anyway.' I hear.
"A date, huh?" I smirk. "I thought it was just a drink?" I bite my lip.
"Did you really think it was just one drink?" He chuckles. I shrug. "Dianne, erm, what's your last name?" He laughs nervously.
"Buswell." I giggle.
"Dianne Buswell, go on a date with me?" I smile, before nodding.
"I'd be honoured. Mr, oh wait!?" I giggle.
"Sugg. Joe Sugg."
"Alright James Bond," I reply sarcastically before giggling.
He shakes his head. "6PM. I'll pick you up."

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