Chapter 7

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Thank you to Joannefanficlovers for suggesting this. I'd already had a story with Oti planned, but this has given me a better idea. I was originally going to make her a little understood as I wasn't going to make her bad, but I am now. As I  think it'll work better. So thank you 😊

Also, if you see the pictures at the top with two people that means it's two separate POVs. So in this chapter there are two, as apposed to one. Just so you don't get confused.

"Joe stop it." I hear Dianne giggle. It made my skin crawl.

I hate that girl. With a burning passion. And now I have to work with her. She gets to be a dancer on the show but I don't. I'm a judge. A stupid judge. How does she get to be a dancer and not me? How does she get to show off her very average talent?

I'm way more talented than she is. 100%.

The reason I'm so jealous!? I want Joe. I wanted him back in Rome, and I still want him now.

I mean, come on, he's gorgeous. With his sea blue eyes and his winning smile. I was hooked, just like Dianne was, from the start.

And now she's got him. And not me. I'll make sure she pays for this, I definitely will. I don't know how yet, but I'll think of something.

Aha! Brian wave. Oti, you're a genius. I smirk to myself.

/ / / /

"Joe?" I turn to face my oh so handsome boyfriend.
"Yes my love?" He smiles.
"Are we going to be alright? Our relationship, I mean... Because I'll be getting a partner, and I'm worried you'll get jealous, not trust me and leave." I admit. I'd had a massive panic attack this morning about it.

I could feel another one coming on. Joe noticing this, places me into his arms and rocks me back and forth too, rubbing my back to soothe me.

"Shhh Dotty you're OK, I've got you," He plays with my hair, kissing it as I slowly start to calm down. "Baby, we're fine. Our relationship is going to be fine, OK? More than fine. Yes you're getting a partner, and I won't lie, of course I'll be jealous but not for that reason. It'll be because I won't be dancing with you. Di, I wanna dance. With you. I'd always trust you, 100%. Why wouldnt I? I know what Mara did and I'd been holding back and insecure, but that was before I met you, Dot. I don't have any reason to be jealous or insecure around you, because you make me feel like the luckiest guy on this earth. You've shown me what true love really is. I am 100% committed to you. You are never ever getting rid of me," He reassures me by placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you." He mumbles.
"I love you too," I smile. "Thank you for reassuring me."
"Anytime, Princess. Are you OK now?" I nod. "Good. Let's go find out your partner." We  make our way to the stage to find out my partner for this year.

/ / / /

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My ex, who is now famous, by the way, Ryder, was stood in front of me. He was this big, butch rugby player. I knew he'd make it one day.

I reallllyyyyyy do not want him as my partner.

I'm stood next to the host, Linda, waiting for my name to be called. "....DIANNE." Shit. No. This is NOT good. I fake a smile as he comes over. Joe knew vaguely about Ryder but he didn't know this was him. I didnt even know I was going to be paired with my ex, as I had no idea he was famous now. Also, I feared for my life with him. He was abusive and almost raped me. I can't do this.

"Happy?" Joe asks.

I shake my head, no. "Why not?"
I take a deep breath before answering. "Do you remember me telling you about my ex Ryder?" He nods. "Joe that's him. Ryder is now a rugby player." I say calmly, but inside I'm terrified.

"You mean the one who hurt you?" Joe's voice is full of anger and concern. I nod. "Where is he? I'm gonna kill him." He snarls, his hand into a fist as he runs to find Ryder.

"Joe come back." I plead, but nothing.

"YOU PRICK," He roars at him, holding him by his throat. "YOU'RE A SICK, TWISTED BASTARD WHO SHOULD BE LOCKED UP," He hits him, sending him flying. Yes little Joe, sending a six foot tall, twelve packed rugby player, flying. "I DO NOT WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR DIANNE EVER AGAIN," He softens his voice a little, seeing how upset I am. He kicks him before speaking again. "Dianne may not have reported you to the police, but if you as even lay one single finger on her, I more than definitely will. Do you hear me?!" He nods, gulping. "Good. Also, I want you to tell the producers you're not doing the show and I want Dianne to have a better partner." He nods, as Joe let's go of him and he runs as fast as possible.

"It didn't fucking work." Oti sighs, coming up to us.
"Excuse me?" I turn to face her. "Did you set this whole thing up?" She nods. "Why?"
"Because I'm jealous, OK? You don't deserve Joe, or this happy life you're leading. I've always lived in your shadow, Dianne. I didnt want to be a judge on this stupid show, I wanted to be a dancer. I'm sorry, I really am. I'm going to tell the producers everything, and let them decide what they want to do with me. And I'll fix this, I'll find you a new partner." Before we have time to speak. She speeds off, leaving us standing there, confused.

"Are you OK?" He pulls me into him, as I snuggle into his chest.
"I am now. Thank you." I smile.
"Hey, I'd do anything for you. You're my world and I love you. I'd die before I'd let anything happen to you." He smiles.
"I love you t-"
"You," One of the shows producers, points to Joe. "You're Dianne's new partner."
"Yes you," He rolls his eyes. "You ruined this, so now you need to fix it. Rehearsals start Monday 9AM sharp. Got it?" He nods. "Good." He walks off.
"Did that just happen?" Joe turns to me.
"I think it did. Well you did say you wanted to dance." I giggle.
"I did," He chuckles. "Hi partner."
"Hi." I giggle.

Well that took an unexpected turn.

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