Chapter 37

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I wasn't going to write a chapter, but in light of what is going on right now, I wanted to spread some love and give us all a distraction. So, enjoy this cute and soft chapter.

And remember, try and stay positive, and stay safe. xxx

It had been four months since Dotty was born and she's the happiest, smiliest little girl. She's most definitely a Daddy's girl too.

Hearing her stir, I leave Di to sleep, as I make my way to her room. As I walk in, I can't help but pout at the sight. Her legs are wriggling and her face is all pouty ready to cry.

She then starts to cry as soon as I reach her. I turn the monitor off, as I pick my daughter up. "Hey hey little Miss, what's all this noise, hey?" I coo, rubbing her back as I rock her back and forth.

Looking at me with her sad blue eyes she got from me, she breaks my heart. ''Sweetheart, you're breaking Daddy's heart.'' I sigh.

I softly sing to her, as she finally settles in my arms, falling back to sleep. Kissing her forehead, I place her back into her Moses basket, put the monitor back on, and head back to bed before Noah or Dotty wake up.

/ / / /

''Dada.'' Noah's sad voice yells from his bedroom. Rubbing my eyes, I roll over checking the time. 5AM. Look's like I'm getting up.

I hear Di roll over. ''I'll see to him, you go back to sleep.'' She nods, rolling back over to her side, and falling back to sleep.

Putting a top and some joggers or tracky dacks as Di calls them, on, I head into Noah's room. ''Hey Bud, what's wrong?'' I pick him up. He points to his little wardrobe. ''In there? You're safe bud, there's no baddies in there.'' I walk over with him, as I open it. ''Rawr,'' I shout, causing him to laugh. ''Cheeky,'' I chuckle, as I tickle him. His laugh, which is certainly mine, echos through the room. ''Shall we go and get some breakfast, bud?'' Just then, Dotty cries. Taking Noah's hand, we walk into her room. ''Hi, good morning Princess Dotty,'' I coo, picking her up, and cradling her. ''Can you be a good boy for Daddy bud, whilst I carry your sissy down the stairs, and keep hold of my hand?'' He nods. ''Good boy.''

I sit Noah in his highchair, as I make Dotty's milk up. She was bottle fed as she wouldn't take to Dianne's breast milk so we ended up bottle feeding her.

With Dotty in her swing, I wait for her bottle to cool down, whilst I make Noah his pancakes, chopping them into little pieces for him.

''Here ya go bud,'' I place them in front of him before taking Dotty out of her swing, and checking the temperature. The perks of having two kids, is you know what you're doing with a newborn second time round and not feeling nervous as much. ''No Noah, don't throw your food, eat it properly,'' I chuckle slightly. ''Good boy,'' I praise him as he listens to me, eating his breakfast. ''Someone is a hungry baba, hey?'' Looking down at my daughter who is guzzling her milk down.

With one eye on Noah eating, I burp Dotty once she's finished. I stare into her big beautiful blue eyes in awe, I was mesmerised with her, she's so perfect. Those eyes are going to be the death of me, they really are.

After I burp her, I then place her on her play mat, and watch Noah sit with her as he's reading a book to her. I quickly grab my phone, as I snap a few pictures of the interaction. He loves his little sister, it's cutest thing.

Just then, Dianne comes down the stairs, rubbing her eyes. ''Morning gorgeous.'' I smile, wrapping my arms around her.

''Morning,'' She smiles up at me, standing on her tiptoes to kiss me. ''You should have woke me up.''

''I wanted you to have a lie in. They're fine. Good as gold.'' I smile.

''You're so cute.'' She bops me on the nose.

''Oh shush.'' I blush before chuckling.

''Are you all packed and ready to go to Tracey's?'' My Mum was due any day now, so we were travelling down to be with her. There was no way I was letting her do this on her own.

''Almost, I just need to pack the kids' stuff then we're good to go.''

''I'll do that. Why don't you have your breakfast, get Dot ready then we can make an early start?'' She smiles.

''OK, I'll make us breakfast. You go sort their stuff.'' Nodding, she kisses my lips.

''OK I'll be back soon.'' She smiles, walking off.

/ / / /

With Noah dressed, and happily playing with his toys in his playroom. I find an outfit for Dotty.

Laying her on the changing mat, I change her nappy first.

I then blow bubbles on her belly, making her infectious and so cute laugh to come out. ''Is that funny bab?'' I gush, as I continue. ''You cheeky little munchkin.'' I coo

I then play peekaboo with her, something she has just started to grasp. ''Where's Dotty, where is she?'' I put my hands over my face, ''A boo, there she is.'' I coo, as she laughs.

''My heart.'' I jump out of my skin, as I hear my wife's voice from the doorway.

''Jesus, Di, you scared the life out of me.'' I place a hand on my heart.

''Sorry,'' She giggles. ''That was the most cutest thing I've ever seen.'' She gushes.

''Now who's being soft?'' I chuckle. I'm always called the soft one, but now Di was being soft.

''Still you.'' She giggles.

''Oh shush.'' I mumble, a blush creeping onto my face.

''I think it's adorable.'' She gushes.

''Are you ready to go?''

''I am. Are you?''

''Yes. Just need to get Dot ready then we can go.''

''OK. I'll go set the car up.'' I nod.

/ / / /

With both kids ready,

With both kids ready,

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we make our way to Mum's

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we make our way to Mum's. ''Next stop Wiltshire.''

''Next stop, Wiltshire.''

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