Chapter 16

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Sad chapter

Also to stop any confusion, there are two POV's in this chapter.

Waking up to a sharp pain hitting my side, I make my way to the bathroom, being careful not to wake Alfie.

I was in so much pain, it was unreal. I look down to notice a lot of blood. Am I miscarrying?

Wiping my tears away before I shout Alfie. "You OK Little One?" He comes running in, seeing me on the floor. 

"Alf, I think I'm having a miscarriage." I breathe.
"Shit. OK. Let's get you in the car and we'll head to Brighton general." He picks me up and carries me to the car.

I get my phone out and text Dianne once we're in the car.

Dianne I need you. Can you and Joe get to Brighton general?

I was shit scared. I can't lose this baby, I just can't.

''We'll be OK Zo, it'll all be OK.'' Alfie coos, once we pull up outside.

/ / / /

"Joe, Zoe's messaged me. We need to get to Brighton general as soon as possible. I think something is seriously wrong." I reread the text about 60 times. I hate to say it, but it's definitely not good news. 

"Shit. Right OK, let's get a move on. If we leave now we should get there with plenty of time." Joe says as he grabs his phone, wallet and keys and we head out.

/ / / /

Walking up to Alfie after finding what ward Zoe's on, we sit next to him. "Hey, man, how is she?" Joe asks.

He sighs, ''We've lost the baby, man,'' He puts his head in his hands. ''She won't talk to me. She's blaming me, saying it's my fault. Joe, I love her so much, I can't lose her as well. I've already lost one of my girls, I can't lose another.'' Because of how far Zoe was, they could determine the sex. But with mine being a couple weeks, I didn't know what the sex was.

''A girl?'' Joe asks.

''Yeah, she was a girl.'' He breaks down, clutching onto Joe's tee.

''I'm so sorry, Alfie. I really am. It's awful. At least she wasn't on her own, I wish I'd at least told Joe when I had mine.'' I admit.

He nods, ''Can you talk to her for me?'' 

''Of course, Alf,'' I smile. ''Joe you stay out here with him. I'll talk to Zoe, I won't be long.'' He nods, as I walk into Zoe's room.

''Hey, lovely,'' I walk in. ''Can I sit?'' She nods. ''I'm so sorry.'' She takes hold of my hand, as she cries into my chest. 

''She's gone, Dianne. My daughter is gone,'' She cries. ''And I blamed this on Alf,'' She sobs. ''It's not his fault. It's mine.''

''Now look here, Zo,'' I start. ''This is no-one's fault. Trust me. I thought it was mine when it happened to me. But it's nobody's, it's just sadly life. You're one of the strongest couples I know, and I know you can get through this,

But don't shut him out, OK? He's a wreck out there, Zoe. He's scared he's going to lose you, and blaming himself,

I can see how much he loves you. Alfie is totally in love with you, Zo,

Let him grieve with you, yeah?'' 

She nods, ''I needed someone to blame, can you bring him in?'' I nod, going to get him. 

''Little One.'' He sighs.

''I'm so sorry I blamed you. It was wrong of me, and I shouldn't have. I needed someone other than myself to blame.'' 

''I get it, I do. But let us grieve together. I'm here, Zo, always.'' He kisses her forehead.

''I know. She was your daughter too, Alf, I shouldn't be shutting you out, I love you and I'm sorry.'' She sighs.

''It's OK bub, I forgive you and I love you too,'' He smiles. ''We're gonna be OK me and you, y'know.''

''I know because you're my rock, and I can't wait to marry you.'' She smiles.

''Joe, can I borrow you a second?'' I whisper, he nods as we head outside.

''You OK?'' 

''I think we should put our wedding on hold. I want to pay for their wedding, let them get married first.'' I admit.

''You Dianne Claire Buswell, are so selfless,'' He smiles. ''I'm the luckiest guy in the world,'' He kisses my lips. ''I think that is a lovely idea, shall we go tell them?'' I nod.

Walking back in, I turn to Zoe. ''Can we talk to you?''

''Sure, what is it?'' 

''Well firstly, we may have some news that will cheer you up.'' Joe smiles.

''Oh? What's that?'' Zoe asks.

''Joe and I are engaged.'' I say, showing both our rings.

''Oh my! That's amazing,'' She beams. ''But why do you have one each on?''' 

I explain how I proposed and ruined Joe's plan, thus him still wanting me to have a ring. ''Well that's different, I suppose.'' She giggles.

Laughing, I carry on. ''Zoe, Alfie, I want to pay for your wedding.'' 

''No, we want to pay for your wedding.'' Joe smiles, nodding at me.

''What? Are you serious?'' Zoe sounds so shocked.

''Yes, 100% Zo, you're like the sister I always wanted, but never got,'' I smile. ''You are my sister.'' 

''Joe, you've got a good 'un,'' She smiles. ''Where has she been all your life? Why couldn't you two have met sooner?''

''Don't I know it?'' He smiles. ''And I know, Zo, I wish we had met sooner.'' He kisses my hand.

''Thank you, Di. You are incredible, isn't she Alf?'' She grins.

''She really is,'' He smiles nodding. ''Thank you, this means so much to us. Especially after the day we've had.'' 

''You guys are family. Ohana means family,

Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.'' I smile, impressed I'd remembered the quote.

''Isn't that a quote from Lilo and Stitch?''  Alfie laughs.

''Well yes, but I think it rings true.'' I smile.

''It certainly does,'' Zoe smiles. ''Come here,'' I shuffle closer. ''Thank you, sis.'' She grins.

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