Chapter 14

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We were home from our trip and we'd had an amazing time. We hadn't told anyone about the engagement yet, as we had a plan for that.
But first before all that, I needed to head to Margravine because apparently Caspar had some news for me. "Can I come with?" Dianne asks once she'd finished in the bathroom. Her morning sickness wasn't really that bad, she'd been quite lucky to be honest.
"Of course you can. Come on, let's go." I smile as we make our way to the office.

Walking into the office, I take Dianne's hand in mine and we walk in.

I see Caspar sat talking to someone but I don't know who as their back is turned.
"Oh hey bud," Casp smiles. "Hi Dianne," He smiles and nods. "How was your trip?"
"It was good thanks, mate. What did you need me for?" I ask.
"Whilst you were away myself and the team recruited a new employee."
"Without consulting me first? I thought we were partners, bud?" I was a little hurt to be honest. "Who is it?" I ask.
Just then, the one person I never expected to see, someone I didn't want to see, turned around. "Mara?" I was angry, upset, hurt.
"Hi boo." She smiles.
"Don't call me that," I shake my head. "You're our latest recruitment?" I ask. I could sense Dianne getting a little jealous, so I put my arm around her, Mara glaring at her.
Ignoring my question, she rolls her eyes. "So this is your new floozy, how long have you two been together, three weeks?" She laughs.
"One- do not call her that, two-
try three years and three- you never answered my question." I roll my eyes.
Rolling her eyes, she speaks. "Yes, Joe, I am your new recruitement."
I turn to Caspar, "Why did you hire her? And why did you not consult me first?"
"Because I knew you'd say no. So we all decided that she's talented enough to be a apart of our company."
"Of course I'd say no, Caspar. She bloody broke my heart and cheated on me, which by the way, I'd only just found out after we spilt, so thanks for that. She is a snake, Casp. I don't want her anywhere near me, what so ever. If she stays, I'm out of this business."
"Are you being serious?" He looks at me with shock.
"Yes. She goes or I do."
He sighs. "Sorry Mara, my friendship with Joe is so much more important than you working here."

Now that right there, is true friendship.
"Really?" She looks so confused and angry. Good.
"Yeah. I'm sorry, but I shouldn't have hired you without Joe being here. We're a team, and we're best friends. He's worth more than you, sorry."

"Ugh fine, but just know," She pauses coming up to me. "You can't get rid of me, Joe. I've got a secret. A big one that will change your life. The reason I came back." She smirks.

"A secret? What are you on about?" I furrow my brow.
"Not here, come back to mine and I'll explain. She is not allowed to come though."
"I don't think thats a good idea, Joe." She panics.
"Hey, sweetie, it's fine. I'll be fine," I start before I whisper. 'get Caspar to follow us.' She nods.

This should be interesting.

/ / / /

"Cut to the chase, Mara." I roll my eyes, annoyed she is stalling.
I'd made sure Di and Caspar where in a hidden view so only I could see them. I wanted and needed witnesses.
"OK fine, stay here, I need to show you something," She stands up, going into a room, before coming back out with a little boy around three years old. "Joe meet your son, Mason."

What? My son?

"What? I don't understand?"
"Whats there not to understand? We had sex, I found out after we broke up, and now Mason is here." She smirks.
"Why now? Why after three years am I only just finding out about this now?" I can see Dianne out of the corner of my eye with tears rolling down her cheeks and Caspar comforting her.

"Because at the time I didn't think you deserved to know about him because you broke up with me." The hell!?
"Wait, hold up," I shake my head. "I broke up with you?" I shake my head. "Are you delusional?"
"No, you broke my heart, Joe." She sighs. "I loved you and you ripped my heart in two."
"Stop right there," Caspar comes out. "Are you seriously mad? You broke up with him. I've seen the text to prove it and so has Dianne." Dianne wouldn't come out, she wouldn't even look at me.
"Whatever," She rolls her eyes again. "The point is, Mason is your son and I want him to get to know his Dad."
"I don't know, this is all too much to take in," I admit. "Plus how can you prove I'm the Dad?"
"I can get you a DNA test, happy?" She grits her teeth.
"Sort it out. If he comes back as mine then yes, I'll get to know him. I'm not getting to know him now for him to get attached to me, then find out I'm not his Dad." I admit.
"Fine, I'll get the most expensive, best test I can find. I'll let you know when I've got it. You can leave now, thanks." She shoves us all out the door, as I drive Dianne and I back home, in awkward silence.

/ / / /

"Say something, please." I beg to Dianne after she came out of the bathroom almost  twenty minutes after we got home.
"Joe, I've got blood. We need to go to the hospital."

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