Chapter 38

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Time skip to Tracey having the baby

Also, disclaimer, this chapter is sad-

''Mum she's perfect. I'm so proud of you.'' I turn to face Mum, who has hold of my little sister with a tear in my eye. I guess being a lot older than her, I'd have to be that father figure for her.

 I guess being a lot older than her, I'd have to be that father figure for her

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''Thank you. But I'm scared, Joe. I don't want to be on my own in that house.'' Mum sighs.

''Then move to Brighton. We own the plot of land opposite our house, I'll build you and sissy a house.''  I smile.

''Are you sure, Joe? I wouldn't want to be too close to you and Di.'' She's hesitant I can tell.

''Trace,'' Dianne pipes up. ''you wouldn't be too close to us. The land is far away enough for us all to have our own space, but close enough for us to help you when and if you want it.'' She smiles.

''You guys are truly amazing, thank you I-.'' She stops talking, her face all blank.

''Mum?'' Nothing. ''Mum?'' I call again. ''MUM?'' This time I raise my voice a little. ''NURSE.'' I press the buzzer as Di holds sissy, trying to calm her down. I hold onto Mum's hand, noticing she's gone cold. ''Mum, if you can hear me, can you squeeze my hand?'' A little grip of my hand, she mumbles the words.  Chloe before her monitor goes off.  ''MUM. NO, please. Stay with me.'' I beg as a nurse and doctor run in.

''Can you all leave the room please?'' The doctor speaks taking the baby from Dianne, as Zoe rushes in before we get pushed outside.

''What's going on?'' Zoe asks, clearly panic stricken.

''I don't know. One minute she was fine, and we were talking about her moving to Brighton and we were going to build her house on the plot we own, the next she stops talking and goes cold. Her eyes were open, but she was out cold. I don't know what to do, Zo.'' I pace the room back and forth.

''We need to stay calm, Joe. I know its worrying, but we don't know what is going on.'' I can tell Zoe is freaking out, but is trying to stay calm for me.

''I can't lose her, Zo. I'm nothing without her. I'm the person I am today because of her. Sissy needs her Mum. I need my Mum.'' I break down in Zoe's arms, really needing my big sister right now.

''Now you listen here,'' Zoe's voice was firm. ''Yes you're the person you are today, but that's not just because of Mum. It's also down to you, Joe. You're the most selfless person I've ever met, and would do anything for your family. Mum taught you how to be respectful, but she never taught you how to treat women and be the Dad you are today. You did all of that, Joe. You. You learned how to fall in love all on your own, how to have a family. All on your own. Mum would be and is, so proud of you.'' Zoe finishes, wiping at her eyes.

''I guess... Thanks, Zo,'' Just then a doctor walks out. ''How is she?'' 

''Please can you follow me into the family room, so we can talk somewhere in private?'' 

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