Chapter 33

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''Let me see my husband.'' I sigh hopeless, running a hand through my faded red locks.

''Sorry Miss. He's still in custody.'' The officer at the desk replies.

''But he did nothing wrong.'' I try to defend my husband's name.

''Nothing wrong? Miss, he attacked a man.'' He rolls his eyes.

''Well yes, but it was self defense. He was protecting his Mum. She's been abused and raped. Yet he's laid in a hospital bed, getting away with it, whilst my husband is sat in there all alone, scared out of his mind.'' I rolled my eyes.

''Take a seat Miss.'' He rolls his eyes. 

Defeated, I sigh taking a seat next to Tracey. ''Anything?''

''No, they won't let me see him. Said he's still in custody. I'm scared, Trace, what if he goes down for this?'' I could feel a panic attack coming on.

''Dianne, calm down sweetheart. He's got the most expensive, and best lawyer there is in there with him. I told her everything before she went in. He's coming home tonight, Di.'' She reassures me.

I just nod as I place a hand on my barely visible bump. ''Daddy's coming home, baby girl. I promise.'' I whisper.

/ / / /

''Miss?'' Opening my eyes, I see an officer stood in front of me. Jumping up, I speak. ''What's happening?''

''Your husband is free to go,'' Those words hit me as I break down. ''Someone came forward. One of Mr Hareland's old victims came forward , and backed Joe up. Mr Harland is going down for this.'' A victim?

''Who came forward?'' I ask.

''I can't say.''

''I did.'' Turning our heads, I see the one person I never thought I'd see stood in front of me.

''Mara?'' I gasp. ''You're one of the victims?''

She nods. ''It's a long story. It's the reason I supposedly cheated on Joe, but we don't have time for that. We need to get Joe out of this place.'' 

I nod. ''Can I see him?''

''He's still in custody.''

''What? Why?'' I was confused and angry.

''Until Miss Tinker writes a statement, he's not going anywhere.'' 

''For fucks sake.'' I yell.

''Pass me a pen. We're getting Joe out, tonight.'' I smile, I could actually hug her.

''There. All done. Now, can you let Joe go?'' Mara sighs frustrated.

''Fine. Mrs Sugg, follow me.'' The officer sighs.

Thank you. I mouth, following the officer.

/ / / /

''Sugg, you have a visitor.'' He opens his cell door, as I jump into his arms.

''Dotty!'' He cries, hugging me for dear life.

''You're coming home.'' I cry into his chest.

''Really?'' His eyes light up.

''Yes, there's been a few witnesses, so Robbie is getting locked up. Well, after he's recovered of course.'' I reply.

''Oh my God. Can I go now?'' He looks at the officer.

''Yes, you're free to go.'' Taking my hand and accompanied by a security officer, we leave the cell.

''JOE! Thank God.'' Tracey hugs him.

I hit him on the arm. ''Oww! What was that for?''

''For being an idiot. Do not do that again.'' I feel a tear fall.

''I won't I promise. I'm sorry,'' He sighs. ''Mum, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I was angry, and wasn't thinking straight.''

''It's OK son, just please listen to us next time.'' 

He nods. ''I will.''

''Joe, one of the victims is here and wants to talk to you.'' I say.

''OK, where are they?'' 

''Follow me, I'll take you to them.'' He nods, taking my hand, intertwining our fingers, his thumb over my hand. 

''Mara?'' Joe looks shocked, seeing his ex girlfriend sat on a chair. ''You're a victim?''  She nods.  ''I'm so sorry.'' He sighs.

''It wasn't your fault.'' She sighs.

''What happened?'' He asks.

''Not here. Can we go somewhere a bit more private?'' 

''Sure, back to ours?'' I offer.

/ / / /

''So it started pretty much three weeks after we met,'' She starts. ''He was my boss at the modeling job. He was always flirty so I never thought anything of it, and ignored it as I was with you. He was always so sweet, and kind to me. 

But one day it all changed. I was doing a half naked photo-shoot, when he came onto me. I couldn't stop him and I tried to push him off of me but before I knew it, he raped me.  It all happened so fast it was a blur, so I tried to distract myself and keep it to the back of my mind. But I couldn't, because every time I saw him at work I'd have panic attacks, and I'd automatically surrender and become weak, meaning it would happen over and over again.

It went on for the two years we were together. The reason we broke up, was because he'd threatened me. He told me if I didn't end it with you, he'd not only kill me, but you as well. I had to do it for your safety, Joe. He told me exactly what to say, so it sounded believable. And that if I didn't say it word for word, I'd be in trouble. I was so scared, so I did as I was told to.

Then when I found out I was pregnant, I moved away taking his son away from him. His, not Ryder's, but somehow he'd managed to track me down. He'd been trying for years, and eventually tracked me down when Mason turned three,

He told me I needed to tell you that Mason was yours, but when you confronted me I  blurted out that he wasn't yours. But I panicked and told Robbie I'd told you he was, because I was scared he would hurt me again or hurt Mason, and I couldn't have anything happen to him, he's my world,
He also forced me to apply for a job at your management company to make it sound more realistic, of course I didn't want to do it, as I didn't want to cause a riff between you and Caspar or even Dianne for that matter, but again I had no choice. Everything I was told to do, I did, because of how scared I was of him.

I'm so, so sorry for what I did Joe. I'm sorry for breaking your heart, and thinking I didn't love you, because I did. But I guess in the end, I didn't love you as much as I did in the beginning. That bit wasn't a lie. I did in a way, fall out of love with you. Can you please forgive me?'' She finishes. 

I can see how upset and sincere she really is. I pull her into me, as I hug her, letting her cry on my shoulder. ''Mara there's nothing to forgive, right Joe?''

''Of course. I can understand why you did it. And although you did break my heart, Dotty healed it,'' He smiles at me.  ''And truth be told, I've never been happier. But I'm sorry I was so cold to you.'' 

''Oh no you had every right, Joe. Please don't be so hard on yourself. It's all in the past now. Can we start a new and become friends?'' She smiles. ''Dianne, can I have your seal of approval?''

Joe looks to me for my approval, which wasn't needed at all. She already had it when she saved my Joe. ''Mara, you had my approval the minute you saved Joe,'' I smile. ''So yes, we can start a fresh. Hi, I'm Dianne.'' I smile, holding my hand out.

''Thank you,'' She whisper. You know what they say. Never judge a book by its cover. ''Hi, I'm Mara.'' She smiles up at us both.

What a day.

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