Chapter 1

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If in high-school someone had told you that you would become a supervillain for an easy way into your chosen industry and to pay for college tuition, you would have laughed. You? A supervillain? First off, you were too busy with school to even date, let alone lead a double life with a secret identity. Secondly, you didn't have an evil bone in your body! You could never hurt even the ugliest spider!

You learned quickly that college can change a person. Which, you know sounds a tad dramatic, but school can be a lot!

This was your third solo job, beforehand you'd been strictly regulated to assisting in larger jobs your professor orchestrated, but now you felt confident enough to start doing small things on your own. No evil mastermind schemes yet, you were too busy with school to try anything on a larger scale on your own, and you felt that maybe you should start off practicing your petty skills first. Which was how you ended up on the roof of a high security jewelry store on a Tuesday night in a black and indigo catsuit with your face hidden under a mask.

"And just what do you think you're doing, ma'am?"

You spun around, caught mid escape, raising something resembling a mad scientist's gun, your spoils from the break-in in a semi-transparent black pouch tied to your utility belt. The diamonds inside glittered.

"Ah. Spider-Man. Figured I'd run into you at some point, just didn't think it'd be so early in my career." You spoke with a false accent whenever you were doing jobs. You didn't want to run the risk of anybody recognizing your voice. "Tell me, what sort of spider is red and blue?"

Spider-Man raised his hands slightly, palms open and at chest level, facing you, you guessed he was eying your weapon under his mask. "I usually wait to tell my origin story to girls after we get to know each other." He nodded to your hand. "That doesn't look like an ordinary gun you got there."

You looked toward the weapon in your grip. "Oh, this old thing? Just something I've been experi-" You were caught off guard by a swift web shot out of- was that out of his hand?

Your gun knocked out of your hand and exploded on impact with the wall.

"Oh, shit-!"

Guess he didn't see that coming, did he? You took advantage of the loud distraction and began to run for it, hoping to get away before someone called the police. You reached the edge of the building and realized you were on the wrong side, your pre-planned path was on the other side of Spider-Man. You hesitated a moment to long, and heard the sound of a second web shoot towards you, spinning sideways just in time for it to land where your right foot had been seconds before. He was running towards you, you had nowhere to go, trapped on the edge of the rooftop. You weren't confident enough with your acrobatic skills to jump across the whole street to the next building, so you took an uncharacteristic risk instead, and went straight to punch him in the face, the air around your fist humming as it began to glow an indigo purple. He dodged, moving just slightly to the side, and stumbling.

Taking advantage of the space between him and the now charred brick wall, you crouched, feeling the energy build up in your feet, the air humming and some of the loose dirt starting to vibrate away from your feet. Your feet began to glow indigo, and you used the energy to jump up a story to the attached building next door, grabbing onto the ledge and hauling yourself onto the new rooftop. There was a whoosh, and Spider-Man landed six feet in front of you, dropping from a web.

"What even is your costume anyway? Are those pointy things ears?"

"It's a work in progress, okay?"

"Were you going for like, a Catwoman thing? I mean, I guess I get it since you're a cat burglar and all but-"

"It's not supposed to be like Catwoman!"

"Sure thing, kitty-cat."

"Whatever, Spider-Man. Like you made your costume all on your own-"

"I did, actually." He shot out another web in an attempt to stick your feet to the ground again and stop you from escaping. You were ready this time. Your disguise might not have the best design, and you might not have much experience fighting superheroes, but you still caught on quick. You spun out of the way, and your feet and hands began to glow as you crouched, building up force to pounce. If he was going to call you a cat, you might as well roll with it.

"Okay, seriously, what the hell is up with the glowing shit? What is that?"

"Not sure, honestly." Your feet were starting to vibrate in your boots, and you leaped, aiming for his head- he ducked, and you rolled, landing on your shoulder on the other side, rolling in a somersault and coming up in another crouch. You jumped up, spinning around, and he was coming towards you, swinging on a string of web, feet out ready to kick you down, and you were bracing yourself to jump aside and catch him in the chest with a glowing indigo arm when--

"Here, kitty-kitty-!"

FWAM. Your arm collided right across his logo, the web snapped, he gasped as the air was knocked out of him and he went straight down, landing on his back with a heavy thud.

"That's for calling me ma'am earlier!" The indigo light faded from your arm and the humming in the air quieted. You jumped back down to where your gun had exploded to collect the scraps. You couldn't risk anyone stealing your tech, you found as many pieces as you could and tucked them into a spare belt pocket. Now you were in a real hurry because you could hear distant sirens. As you finished, you looked up and saw Spider-Man attempting to get up, looking over the edge of the higher building at you and felt a surge of self-satisfaction that you'd been able to knock him down so hard.

Even though you couldn't see his actual eyes, you knew you two had locked eye contact. You grinned, showing your teeth. "Nice meeting you, Spidey! Maybe I'll see you around sometime!" You gave a little sassy salute, running off towards your preplanned escape route and disappearing, leaving nothing behind but a charred brick wall, a strangely dust free circle of rooftop, and a growing bruise on Spider-Man's chest to remember your fight by.

Thank you for 1k on my other story!!!❤️
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