Chapter 23

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"They're not technically broken, only cracked-"

"Oh, my god! Y/n, that's still horrible."

A.I.M. had returned you safely home shortly after your run-in with Mr. Adams. You told Stacy that you'd been mugged and the attack had broken your ribs—or, more accurately, had cracked your ribs. Stacy had gone into full on mom-mode, setting up a whole recovery station in the living room, bringing out your pillows from your bed to the couch so you could watch TV and be comfortable without climbing in and out of your tall bed for things like food or the bathroom.

"Have you called Peter? Does he know?"

Your stomach dropped, recalling the threats Mr. Adams had made against the two of them. There was no way in hell you'd ever be able to shake off Stacy to protect her, but you could at least keep an eye on her given that you lived together. But Peter...

"No, I don't want to freak him out-"

"Y/n," she said, drawing your name out in a scolding tone like only she could. "You guys are kind of serious, you gotta let him know when stuff happens to you."

You sighed, and winced at the dulled pain in your ribs. "But it's-"

"Call him," she said firmly, handing over your phone.

Reluctantly, you unlocked your phone and pressed the small phone icon next to his name. It rang three times before he picked up.

"Y/n? What's up?"

"Uhhh—I was—just calling to-"

"Are you okay? You sound like you're in pain-"

"Ah, yeah, so... I was walking back home, right, and uh—I'm home now, for the record—I had this sort of run in with some guys and I guess my ribs-"

A moment of shocked silence. "I'll be right over."

"Wait, Peter-"

Beep beep. He'd hung up.

"What happened?"

"He hung up on me, and now he's coming over. I told you, he's freaking out now-"

"Well, yeah! You're his lady, his gal, his boo, and you broke your ribs! Of course he's freaking out!"

You let out a long, slow grumble, closing your eyes and waiting for your surprisingly strong painkillers A.I.M. had supplied you with to kick in. It didn't take long, luckily, and it didn't take much longer after that for Peter to show up either. You were beginning to drift off, in fact, when there was a rushed knock on the door. You registered footsteps padding towards the door—Stacy—and the click of the door as she opened it.

"Hey Peter, she's just on the couch. She might be kind of out of it, those painkillers are pretty strong..."

More feet, louder this time, thumping towards you-

"Hey, Y/n, you okay?"



You opened your eyes with a surprising amount of difficulty. What even were in those painkillers?

"You okay?" Peter was crouched beside the couch, eyes concerned. He stroked your hair and held one of your hands.

"Mmyeah, 'm good." You blinked, nodding.

He let out a nervous and relieved chuckle. "What happened?"

"Said she got mugged," Stacy supplied from somewhere in the kitchen behind the couch.

Peter's mouth thinned and his brow furrowed.

"Apparently she broke the guy's nose and he didn't get a chance to steal any of her stuff, so there's that."

Peter looked from Stacy back to you, still a serious glint in his eye, but now surprise as well. "I didn't know you were so tough."

"Y/n's one of the toughest people I know. You want some tea?"

"Tea would be great."

The whole exchange went in one ear and out the other, you now felt like you were floating in lukewarm saltwater.

"Pete, I feel like 'm floatin'..."

Peter laughed slightly. "The hell kind of painkillers did they give you?" He stopped stroking your hair and turned and picked up the bottle off of the coffee table to examine the label, frowning. Through your hazy blinking you thought you saw him pocket one of the pills, but forgot about it almost instantly when Stacy brought over tea for Peter and a smoothie for yourself.

"I have to work tonight, if you're free-"

"I can come back and take care of her. I have to go drop off my final project for..."

You tuned out the conversation as Stacy handed over the smoothie, and all of your senses focused in on the smoothie like a cat on a laser toy.

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