Chapter 22

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You woke in a white room, mask off, hood down, gloves and shoes off. You were on a cold leather table, head on a support, aching.

"No concussion, so she'll-"

"She's awake."

You sighed through your nose and whimpered at the pain in your chest, looking around.

"Ah-ah-ah, no, don't move, Y/n, you're quite hurt."

Your eyes found the face of a strange woman in a white coat—a doctor, you guessed.


"You're back at the A.I.M. labs. You have some broken ribs and possibly a head injury, we're just waiting on..."

You zoned out. You'd lost to Daredevil. He'd won. You'd let him win, you could have stopped him easily, but you... Why had you let him win?

I didn't care, why didn't I care? I needed to win, I should have won, I wanted to win... I didn't care if I lost, but I wanted... I didn't want to win...

"Good news, no concussion. No head injury at all, in fact, and your spine looks fine. You might be sore for a bit, but you should be fine long-term. Your bruised ribs should heal within three to six weeks, we recommend you not strain yourself..."

"I can't wait that long."


"I can't wait that long for my ribs, that's too long."

"That's how long it takes."

You groaned, and winced again at the strong pain in your ribs. "I don't even remember getting hit in the ribs."

You heard a door swung open.

"Ah, Miss Y/l/n, Miss Y/l/n! Is she alright, Doctor?"

"She'll be fine within a few weeks, just a pair of broken ribs."

You closed your eyes, concentrating on breathing.

"...May I have a few moments alone, Doctor?"

"Yes, Mr. Adams." You heard the door open and close again.

"Miss Y/l/n."

You opened your eyes and saw Mr. Adams looking at you, eyes dark, face serious.

"I am very disappointed in your work tonight. This should not have happened."

You swallowed, unable to look away or move much.

"Daredevil should not have beaten you. You are lucky he wasn't able to get through the door, otherwise you may be dead now."

You took a sharp breath in, and let out a soft cry at your ribs.

"This cannot happen again. If you lose another fight against one of our heroes... There will be..." His hand reached out, touching lightly the spot on your ribs where the pain was coming from. "Consequences." He pressed down, slow but firmly.

You cried out, your yelp short and quiet from lack of air. Tears welled up in your eyes and your screwed them shut, whole body tensing.

"Not just for yourself, but for your friends. Stacy, Peter... Do they know who you really are?"

You shook your head, eyes still screwed shut, taking shallow quick breaths through your nose.

"You understand?"

You nodded, his hand leaving your ribs.

"Good. Now tell me what you were doing with Green Goblin the other night."

You couldn't do more than whisper. "Harry... Avenge his dad... Friends with Peter... Black Light convinced him..." you had to stop to breathe. "I convinced him to take up his mantle... Help him take down Spider-Man..."

"Does he know who you really are?"

You shook your head.

"Keep it that way."

You nodded.

"We may be paying you, but I want to be very clear. We own Black Light. She is a tool for us. Since you are Black Light, we own you. You are our tool. You have a brilliant mind, Y/l/n. Your inventions are ingenious. But we don't need that part of your skills, we need you to be violent. We need you to be ready to kill for us, do you understand? A.I.M.'s mission grows more high stakes every day. We need our roadblocks cleared. We need you to clear them. Daredevil, Spider-Man, we may even need you to clear out the Avengers. We don't have many people with your kinds of skills among our ranks, unfortunately, so the burden falls to you... Understood?"

You nodded again, the words we own you echoing in your head, bouncing off of the threats to Stacy, to Peter.

"As of now you are dropping out of school. You will train full-time with A.I.M., clearly you need it."

You swallowed. "People will ask why I'm not in school-"

"It'll be taken care of. You can go back once you've been trained more sufficiently. Understood?"

"...I understand." You were staring at the ceiling now.

"Very good. Rest up, Black Light. The doctor will be sending you home soon, I imagine."

Mr. Adams left, and you continued to stare at the ceiling.

What had you gotten yourself into?

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