Chapter 41

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Venom let out a loud screaming roar, jumping into the air, grabbing Iron Man's foot, ripping him out of the air and throwing him down through the rooftop and about five more floors at least. You weren't sure, you weren't counting. Venom was starting to take over.

"Goblin! I'm losing contr-" You shrieked through Venom's control, but anything else you were going to say was drowned out into a snarling roar again as Spider-Man swung up over the edge of the building, landing with spread feet and fists ready to fight.

Goblin turned around on his hovercraft, crouching. "Well, well, well! If it isn't the bug of honor, the bug I was just dying to meet!"

Spider-Man dropped to a crouch, one hand on the floor and the other pointed out to the side ready to shoot a web at a moments notice.

"You need to get Venom off your friend before it kills her, Goblin," Spider-Man said, shouting over the wind and the sound of the engines from Goblin's craft and the hissing from Venom.

Goblin glanced back at you over his shoulder. You felt a spark of hope. Then he looked away, and Venom hissed in satisfaction.

"She'll be fine, it's really you and me that need to-"

Suddenly Iron Man blasted through a second spot in the rooftop, in much the same way that you had only moments before, shooting two bright beams at you. Venom screamed, and you fell backwards over the edge of the roof, feeling Venom practically recoil and then slide off of your body. As you fell, you saw Iron Man fly into Green Goblin, the collision sending them both flying over the other side of the rooftop. You yelled, scrabbling for your grappling hook as you saw a smoky blob of Venom falling after you. Finally you found it, shooting it blindly, and you felt the jerk in your shoulder as it stopped your fall. Pressing a button on the side, it started to reel you up again, and it brought you to a floor five feet below the rooftop. You saw a giant gape in the floor as you went further into the building, looking for a safer way to climb up than the side of the building. Huh, guess it had been more than five after all. Using your own powers this time, you jumped through the hole above you, making your way back up.

Reaching the rooftop, you came face to face with Spider-Man, who whirled around on his heel to face you.

"Enjoying the view?" You asked, wondering where Iron Man and the Green Goblin had fallen.

"Where's Venom?"

"Gone. It was taking over, remind me to thank Stark for that."

Spider-Man eyed you for a moment. "What is this? Why did you trick us here?"

"Goblin wants revenge, my boss thinks you're both obstacles."

"A.I.M.," Spider-Man said. "Daredevil told me there's a conspiracy-"

"I don't know the details of what they want, I'm just the coerced muscle, okay? I mean, I can guess, it's probably something classic like control of the world's governments or something-"

Suddenly Green Goblin reappeared, rising over the edge of the building behind Spider-Man. You heard someone yelling to duck as he opened fire, and realized it was you as you dropped down and rolled away, falling through one of the holes in the rooftop. You fell two floors and would have fallen further if you hadn't reached out and grabbed a jagged piece of broken wood.

You pulled yourself up and just as you got to your feet, there was a huge crash as something smashed through the rooftop—again—and plummeted past you to floors below. You recognized the green of Goblins suit and the roar of his hovercraft. You ran to the hole, looking down, and saw Green Goblin and Spider-Man fighting, then they moved out of your line of sight. Squeezing your eyes shut, taking a breath, you jumped and followed the newest hole Green Goblin had made. Landing in a crouch, you found Goblin throwing Spider-Man around like a rag doll.

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