Chapter 35

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You pulled off your goggles, dropping them onto the work station laden with scattered half assembled bits of tech, beaming, turning over the small device in your hands. It was no bigger than your thumb, the shining silver oval smooth like a worry stone. In the center, a black button.

"Professor, I finished it," you announced, and she appeared on the opposite side of your work table.

"It's beautiful," she breathed. "The pieces from the repurposed Stark tech, I assume?"

You nodded. "Turns out that thing I stole at the fundraiser after-party was useless on it's own, but I figured out how to turn it into this. Should pack a big enough punch to temporarily disable an Iron Man suit, if I did it right, and everything around it for at least thirty feet." You placed it down in the center of an empty spot among the chaos of your station. "I don't know where to test it that's safe."

"Well. Let's hope it works when you need it."


If you'd thought Harry's place was wild at the last party, the only way to describe the New Year's party was just flat out Gatsby levels of extravagance.
"Peter! Y/n! And this must be the famous Stacy, what an honor," Harry led you to the drinks. "An hour and a half until countdown, I hope you're ready." He punctuated his sentence by blowing into his party horn, the paper coil unrolling into your face with a loud honk. You batted it out of your face, laughing, and Harry threw it over his shoulder, laughing, as Peter handed you and Stacy your drinks.

Things had recently ended badly with Stacy's now ex, and you didn't miss the way she was eyeing Harry over her drink.

"Uh-uh, missy," you pulled her away while Harry and Peter got their own drinks and started talking, loudly, about who knows what. "Don't even think about it."

"Why, what's wrong with him?"

"His dad just died last summer, and he's still really raw about it," you said. "Don't fuck around with that, he's a mess."

Stacy looked back over at him. "He's pretty cute, though- Jeez, Y/n, don't give me that look!"

"Promise to be good," you stuck out your pinky finger, and she hooked hers around yours with an eyeroll.


Midnight came when you were dancing with Peter on the terrace among a crowd of strangers. Stacy was nearby with someone who thankfully was not Harry, and Harry was nowhere to be seen. Fireworks went off, filling the whole sky, as you and Peter kissed. It was romantic, you thought, as you grinned at each other and started dancing again. It was good.


"Why do you always try to ruin the fun?" You narrowly dodged a web, preforming an almost unnecessarily showy backflip.

"You call breaking into a charity function to kidnap a senator fun?!"

"Don't get your spandex in a twist, Bug Boy, I've always wanted to come to one of these, so what if I happen to be running an errand for work at the same time!"

You were standing on a long table, boots dirtying a yellow satin tablecloth. You were in the center, behind you was a pyramid of champagne glasses, and under your feet silver platters of appetizers. At the end of the table, standing on the floor like a civilized human being, was Spider-Man, knees bent as if ready to jump at you. Fat-cats and politicians with their wives ran, yelling and screaming like chickens, from the ballroom around you.

"Well, looks like you're going to be leaving the event empty handed."

You looked back—the senator was gone from the stage. Dread filled your stomach. Mr. Adams had specifically asked for you to capture the senator at the event. To send a message, he'd said. How were you to know that Spider-Man would appear within seconds of your grabbing the senator and royally fuck it all up for you?

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