Chapter 7

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It was noon the next day, and you hadn't seen Stacy since before you left the day before when she helped you dress for your date. She'd gone out late with one of her friends, and left early that morning for school.

You were seated at your dining table, holding the business card Mr. Adams had given you and staring at the logo on the back. You swallowed and lifted your phone to your ear, hitting the dial button.

It rang three times, and there was a click.

"Mr. Adams office, how may I help you?"

You weren't expecting a secretary. "Oh, um-" you cleared your throat, putting down the business card and idly picking at the peeling white paint of your dining table—Stacy had insisted on a boho vintage piece that was in sore need of a new paint job. "I'm calling about a job offer?" It somehow came out as a question.

"One moment, please." You waited on hold for less than ten seconds.

"Miss Y/l/n! What a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?" It was Mr. Adams. You could almost hear his sparkling hungry grin through the phone.

"I'm calling to accept the job offer," you swallowed nervously again. You hated talking on the phone.

"Fantastic! How soon can you come in to hash out the details?"

"Uh, well, I'm free today and next Monday."

"Well, I don't see why we should wait the whole weekend to bring you into our little family, so why not today? I can send a car to pick you up and bring you to our offices. What time suits you?"

"Two o'clock."

"I'll have a car ready and waiting at two for you outside your building. I look forward to doing business with you, Miss Y/l/n."

"Thank you, Mr. Adams. Is there anything specific I should bring?"

"Just your lovely self, Miss Y/l/n. We'll probably want to see your special gift, so perhaps dress comfortably. Oh, and your current suit. Noble told me you designed one yourself."

"I did. I'll bring it."

"Excellent. We'll see you here soon."

He hung up before you realized you hadn't given him your address.

Two hours later, you were dressed in comfortable stretch skinny jeans, sneakers, a tank top, and your favorite coat. In your bag you carried the usual necessities, keys, chap-stick, wallet, a book, a hat and a scarf just in case it got windy, and your black and indigo catsuit.

As you were making sure you had everything you needed, your phone rang. You answered, guessing the unknown number was your ride.

"Miss Y/l/n, your ride is here."

You'd guessed right. "I'll be right down."

They hung up, and you went outside after locking up your apartment to find a black town car parked directly ahead of the front door, a tall and thickly muscled bald white man in a black suit waiting next to it.

You walked towards the car, uncertain.

"Miss Y/l/n." The bald man said, giving you a casual nod, and opening the car door for you.

You looked at him for a moment. Was he the driver or was he muscle intended to guard you?

"Thanks," you said, and entered the back of the car. In the driver's seat was another man, wearing a slightly more casual suit. He didn't acknowledge you.

The bald man got into the back seat, shutting the door behind him, leaving room between the two of you. He didn't buckle. The driver glanced at the two of you in the rear view mirror and began to drive.

You arrived at a tall, nondescript warehouse in an area of the city you didn't know. Baldy got out of the car, and opened your door. "We're here."

"What is this, Zoolander?" You looked up at the warehouse, shouldering your bag.

Baldy closed the car door, ignoring your joke. "This way, please." He walked to a small side-door that was up a small stairwell, you following close behind, holding the strap of your bag nervously. He opened the door into a small reception area that looked like it should be in a Wall Street office building instead of the side entrance to a dilapidated warehouse. It was clean and chic, with even a soothing water fixture near what looked like two sets of elevator doors. There was a second large gray door behind the secretary's desk to the left. The secretary was so nondescript you forgot what she looked like while you were looking at her.

"I have Mr. Adams's afternoon appointment."

"Please proceed through the left hand elevator doors," she replied, almost robotically, pressing a button on her computer.

The doors slid open with a soft whoosh and a ding, and you followed baldy inside. The silence was deafening as the doors slid shut, blocking out the sound of the water fixture in the lobby. The elevator started moving down, and after a few minutes, stopped. You weren't sure how far underground you were, but you knew it was far enough.

Mr. Adams was waiting for you when the doors slid open, wearing another expensive suit, this time dark blue with a mustard yellow shirt. "Miss Y/l/n! I trust you had a safe ride over?"

You nodded. "Yeah, it was fine. What is this place?"

"These are the secret A.I.M. offices. We have a building downtown that deals with public relations, above the board business and so on. This building, however, is where we do our most important work in the city. This floor is dedicated to the study and training of gifted individuals, such as yourself. Today we'd like, if you don't mind, to observe some of your abilities, since we already know how excellent of a scientist you are. After we do that, we can decide exactly what sort of work we'd like for you to do, and outfit you with an appropriate suit to keep you safe in any tousles you might get into. How does that sound?"

While he spoke, he walked with you down a long white hallway with his hand on the back of your shoulder, passing a number of closed silver doors. Baldy trailed along behind, silent as always.

"It sounds like a plan, yeah."

You stopped in front of a pair of double swinging doors, silver just like the rest.

"Here we are!" Mr. Adams proclaimed cheerfully, pushing the doors open and entering the room with you. Baldy didn't follow.

The room was as white as the hallway. You looked around and saw a hefty amount of gym equipment, weights, treadmill, punching bags, etc., as well as computers practically oozing wires. A few scientists in white lab coats, three middle aged men and one slightly younger woman in her thirties, turned around from various stations around the room.
"I've brought you today's guest! I hope you're all ready for her!" Mr. Adams turned towards you. "I'm afraid I have to leave you here, now. I've got quite a bit of business to take care of, but I'll be back at the end of the day to consult with you about what work you'll do for us."

You just nodded, nervous at the prospect of having to show your abilities in front of a bunch of strangers, especially when those strangers were detached scientists.

Mr. Adams left, and one of the men came over to you. He had a tan, sparkly gray eyes, and sandy colored hair.

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