Chapter 26

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Upon arriving back home, Harry guided you to a seat on one of his charcoal gray couches. He took off his helmet as he walked into the kitchen, turning his enormous TV on to a news channel.

"-Hooded woman confirmed as the renegade widely known as 'Black Light,' but her involvement is as yet unconfirmed, though it's believed she is responsible for the destruction of the cargo ship. The number of suspected casualties is low, thanks to the arrival of Spider-Man on the scene-"

You scoffed, rubbing your eyes through your mask.

"You can take that mask off you know, I've turned my security cameras off. It's just me here," Harry said, handing you a handful of drugstore painkillers and a glass of water.

"Thanks," you accepted the painkillers and gulped it down with the water, your vision returning to normal but your head still gently throbbing and ears lightly ringing. "But I still can't let you know who I am."

"Why the hell not? You know who I am, you know who my father was! I'd say I have a hell of a lot more to lose than you if people found out I'm the Green Goblin than you do if anyone found out you were Black Light-"

You cradled your head in your hand, putting the glass of water down heavily on a coaster.

"-Rescue crews have not been able to find any bodies asides from those of the-"

"I think it's only fair if I know who you are."

"-pilot and reporter, both likely deceased upon the explosion, a result of the grenade thrown by the new Green Goblin, who rescued and escaped with Black Light-"

Why did everything sound like it was on the other side of thin glass?

"I can't tell you. I'm under strict orders to keep my identity secret-"

"Orders? From who? Who do you work for?!"

"I can't tell you that either! All you need to know is that they want Spider-Man out of the way too, and if I don't get it done, they'll hurt people! Including your friend Peter Parker!"

"Is that a threat? Look, I don't work for whoever the fuck- they have no right to threaten me-"

"Look, I'm just the errand runner-"

Harry grabbed your shoulder close to your neck and roughly shoved you back against the couch, your hand falling away from your face. "You tell whoever the fuck you work for that I am more than happy to collaborate on bringing down Spider-Man, but once they bring my friends into this-"

He didn't see it coming when you kicked him in the chest with a glowing foot. If he hadn't been wearing his Green Goblin armor, he would have broken nearly every bone when he flew across the room and crashed into his TV, cracking the screen down the middle before bouncing off and dropping heavily to the floor.

"The threat to Peter wasn't about YOU, Harry Osborn!" You'd had enough. Harry wasn't going to just go along with it. You jumped to your feet and yanked back your hood, ripping it from it's attachments to your mask, and pulled the mask off too as Harry rolled off his face and caught his breath.

The look of astonishment on his face was priceless.

"Y/n? You- but- you're Peter's girlfriend!"

"No shit!"

"But Black Light, she's from- fake accent, I'm guessing?"


"Peter doesn't know?"

"No, of course he doesn't."

Harry stood there, staring at you. "I don't suppose you'll tell me who you work for?"

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now