Chapter 30

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"I think of the moment it recognized me, before it started chasing."

Eto nodded, and looked away as her tablet beeped. "If you're feeling up for it, Mr. Adams would like to see you as soon as possible."

"I remember where his office is," you said, hopping down from the table you were seated on. "See you soon, Eto."

"Rest up, Y/n. Good luck with Mr. Adams."

You waved goodbye and made your way to the elevator and then off to Mr. Adams office.

His same blonde secretary let you in with hardly so much as a glance in your direction, and you stepped into the soft gray office, closing the door behind you.

"Miss Y/l/n! So wonderful to see you again!" Mr. Adams was pouring himself a drink of water by a wooden cabinet against the left wall. "How has our best gifted junior agent been?"

"Good, thank you, sir."

"Oh, don't be so stiff! Water? That training looked rough today," he chattered, pouring you a glass and handing it over on his way to sit at his desk. You remained standing.

"You saw it?"

"Yes, yes I did. I haven't seen Venom so determined in quite a bit."

"That's what they said to me, too."

"Tell me, did Venom offer you anything?"

"It, uh... It offered to help me get Spider-Man."


Your heartbeat was starting to calm from the initial anxiety of seeing Mr. Adams for the first time since the incident with your ribs.

"And how is that going?"

"I think I've come up with a plan to get him into a trap, with Green Goblin's help."

"Ah, yes? And how is that?"

"Well, yesterday I had an interview with Tony Stark, and Spider-Man was in his office-"

"What?" He interrupted, cold and sharp.

"They were discussing teaming up to deal with Black Light, and I think Tony Stark has taken a liking to me, so I was thinking..."

Mr. Adams listened attentively as you explained the details of your plan.

"And before that whole thing with Venom, I was thinking we could use it to help—help kill him, but now I'm not so sure how smart that would be."

"I think it's very smart," Mr. Adams said, leaning back in his seat, grin wide. "I think your idea is positively genius. When were you planning on setting it into action?"

"Well, I figured it might be more effective if I spent a bit more time around Stark, maybe try and get to be his friend so I can be better fake bait-"

"He's got plenty of friends, Y/l/n. But you know what he doesn't have? A family."

You paused. "Are you suggesting I act like his family, sir? That might take more time, to get that close-"

"No need to actually get close. Just spark that feeling, treat him ever so slightly like he could be the father figure you've never had, get him attached, even just a little bit. There's no way he won't bring along Spider-Man to help him save someone who reminds him of family. What was Spider-Man like when you weren't in your suit?"

"Ah... He was a bit flirtatious, sir."

"If you meet him out of your suit again, play that up. There's nothing better to bait a hero than a damsel in distress."

"Yes, sir."

"Now go home, rest up. We'll contact you if anybody is sticking their nose in our business, but for now I just want you training and getting close to Stark."

With that, you were dismissed and sent in a car back home. After showering and eating a good and hearty big meal, you were finishing tidying your room when Peter texted you.

Party tonight, Harry's, wanna go?

You closed your closet, stashing the box of Black Light gear on the upper shelf.



I'm in

I have to be at Aunt May's until later, meet u there?

Sounds good

You locked your phone and tossed it back onto your bed, opening your closet again to find clothes appropriate for a Harry Osborn party.

"Y/n! Are you home?! Because HOLY SHIT!" Came Stacy's ecstatic voice accompanied by the slam of the front door.

"In here!" You yelled.

"Holy shit! Guess what!" Stacy threw open your door, a tabloid paper in her hands.

You groaned. "Alright, who hooked up with who now?"

"According to this, you and Tony freaking Stark!"

"Wait, what?!" You snatched the paper out of her hands. On the cover was a tearful minor celebrity, and in a small circle in the corner, an event photo of Tony Stark winking at the camera with the clearly baiting line 'Seen having lunch with a young mystery woman! Who is she?! Pg. 4'

"I know you'd never cheat on Peter, but oh my god, you're in a gossip magazine!"

You flipped open the pages to page four, to find a collage of photos taken at a distance of you and Stark at lunch from the day before. "What the hell," you said, scanning the article. "'Infamous womanizer Tony Stark seems to have fallen back into his old ways. Friday afternoon he was seen canoodling with this unidentified young arm candy over a romantic Italian dinner?!' What kind of bullshit—It was a job interview!"

Stacy was laughing so hard she could barely open her eyes. "Keep reading, keep reading!"

You scoffed. "I think I've seen enough, thanks. He's old enough to be my dad! Or uncle!"

"I can't believe it, you're in the Daily Bugle! This is the best day of my life! I'm framing it and hanging this in the kitchen," Stacy left your room.

"Stace, don't you need the paper if you're going to actually hang it?" You called after her, still holding it.

"No need! I bought multiple copies!"

You groaned.

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