Chapter 5

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"Tell me, Miss Y/l/n, have you heard of an organization called A.I.M.?"

You wanted to fire off a quip about AOL Instant Messaging, but instead just smiled and shook your head. "I can't say that I have, no."

Mr. Adams smiled. In addition to his perfectly tailored expensive soft gray suit, he had perfectly straight white teeth. You noted they looked even more dazzling contrasted against the mustard yellow of his pocket handkerchief and tie.

He was unsettling, like an evil Chris Traeger, and you couldn't put your finger on exactly why he seemed like an evil Chris Traeger.

"A.I.M., Miss Y/l/n, is an organization dedicated to technology and sciences."

He was standing between you and Professor Noble now, nearly blocking her from your sight. You could see your teacher clenching and unclenching her jaw from here. You looked back at Mr. Adams, wondering what was setting Noble so on edge.

"Go on."

"A.I.M.--a.k.a Advanced Idea Mechanics—is, like I said, dedicated to technology. Both advancing and implementing it for the gain of not only ourselves, but the world," he punctuated the word world with a casual sweeping hand gesture. "We are always looking for talented minds to join our ranks, and skilled fighters to protect our interests. Keep nosy people away from our business." He looked you in the eye, flashing his sly grin again. He knew he had you hooked. "From what I hear, you qualify as both."

You kept your face politely stoic, but you were curious. It was your default state, curious. You wanted to know more about the organization Noble worked for but never talked about, and why he'd told Noble earlier that Spider-Man was a problem. Most organizations didn't attract attention from superheroes unless they were in the business of committing crimes and causing trouble.

"I know you've been working with our dear Doctor Noble here for quite a while, but we'd like to offer you an official job at A.I.M. doing some slightly different work." Mr. Adams spoke so casually, so friendly, that despite the unsettling feeling you had in the back of your mind, you were beginning to trust him.

"What sort of work? I'm a scientist and an engineer first and foremost, Mr. Adams," you said as you crossed your arms, leaning your hip against your workbench.

"Obviously you would still continue the work you do here now in Noble's lab, but as an official A.I.M. scientist," he raised a single finger, seeing your excitement start to creep up your face at receiving a job offer before you even finished school. "We would also like you to put your special abilities to use." He watched your face closely.

You furrowed your brow.

"Obviously, I don't expect you to make a decision right away. But it does come with full benefits, you know, healthcare, etc. And, funding for almost any project you could conceive of when we aren't commissioning special projects from our scientists. We may not be a well known organization, but we are very, very well funded. Of course, if you agreed to, ah, put your abilities to use for us, we would provide any training you needed, and of course, a specially designed suit--"

"A disguise. You want me to break laws."

"Miss Y/l/n, by simply working for Noble and speaking to me you're already breaking several. And something tells me you don't have many qualms about breaking or bending the rules, either." Mr. Adams raised a dark brow.

"And what makes you say that?"

"Commit any jewel heists lately?"

You swallowed.

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