Chapter 6

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Peter showed up fifteen minutes later, looking like he'd rushed as fast as he could to meet you.

"Shit, I'm sorry—there was a car chase, I rushed as fast as I could to meet you-"

You grinned. "I saw on Instagram, my friend Stacy posted a video of Spider-Man pulling a guy out of a crashed taxi cab." You put your phone in your purse as you stood from your seat on the bench.

"Oh damn, yeah, must've been the same thing I got tied up in," he scratched the back of his head and smiled. "How was your meeting with Professor Noble?"

"It was good! One of her colleagues offered me a job," you fell into step with him.

"What! That's amazing!"

"Right? I'm going to do some more research about the organization though, before I make up my mind."

"Oh, that reminds me, my friend talked to Tony Stark, he said he'd love to meet you," Peter glanced at you as he hailed a cab.

"What?! Oh my god, are you serious?"

"As a heart attack. He said, quote, 'sounds like a regular Einstein, bring her by anytime.'"

You beamed at him. "You must've made me sound really smart."

Peter smiled back at you. "I only told my friend the truth."

The ride to the Thai place was short. It was a little hole in the wall restaurant with dark furniture, authentic art, and a loud and busy kitchen. You were both given a table against the wall, and as you slid into the bench, a waiter placed two menus in front of you and wandered off.

"So what do you usually get here?" You asked, opening up your menu.

Peter started rattling off his recommendations, and the waiter returned a moment later with two glasses of water. "Would you two like anything else to drink?"

You and Peter both picked your drinks, and the waiter left, returning just moments later before disappearing again, returning later to take your orders—an order of veggie spring rolls and a large order of curry to share.

Conversation quickly turned to current events, and then the food came. As you filled up your plates with rice and curry, you remarked "Did you hear about Norman Osborn last month?"

Peter instantly sobered. "Yeah, I did. I grew up with his kid, Harry."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize-"

He looked at you and smiled, returning the serving spoon to the bowl of curry in the middle of the table. "It's okay, Y/n."

You had no idea. Sympathetic to his sad and serious expression, you instinctively reached over the table and placed your hand on his. "I'm sorry. You must have known him for a long time if you grew up with Harry."

Peter blinked, glanced at your hands, and smiled, turning his palm up to squeeze yours. "Yeah, I did. I'm okay though, it's just Harry mostly that's got me worried."

You kept your hand in his, cheeks turning pink, heart beating just a little bit faster. "It probably hurt him pretty bad." Peter nodded. "How did it happen? The news all said it was a tragic accident."

Peter looked at you seriously. "Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

You nodded, smiling reassuringly. "I'm excellent at keeping secrets. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"I just... I haven't talked with a lot of people outside of my Aunt May about it, and I have this feeling that you're someone I can trust," he was speaking softly, leaning slightly towards you over the table and holding eye contact.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now