Chapter 34

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Peter showed you around the neighborhood, the two of you bundled up against the cold of the snow. He showed you where M.J. his high-school sweetheart had lived, just down the street. The house of his high-school bully, a guy named 'Flash,' who lived halfway between his house and the school. Various other neighborhood landmarks were shown to you with appropriate levels of ironic dramaticism, including his old school, a multiple storied building with a football field next to it, and a library on the other side.

The rest of Christmas Eve was spent in the living room, board games and TV and eggnog and candycanes keeping the three of you busy, until dinner, and then bed, where you and Peter spent the night completely occupied by each other under the lazy prompting of spiked eggnog.

The next morning was spent, finally, exchanging gifts.

Peter gave his aunt a Christmas-y sweater that said World's Most Badass Aunt across the front. You got her a book of adventurous recipes that Peter had helped pick out. May gave Peter a handmade scarf and a pair of Uncle Ben's cufflinks, and a matching scarf for you.

For Peter you had gotten him an autographed book by one of his favorite scientists, tickets to a planetarium show hidden inside the cover, and a watch. Classic, of course, and not too showy, but also with a few neat gadgets hidden inside that you'd built and added yourself, and an engraving on the back that said To Peter, with love, from Y/n. When you bought the watch you'd worried it was a bit too much for first holiday gifts together, and you weren't really in the habit of buying things for people even semi-anually unless it was birthday presents for Stacy.

Peter gave you almost comically similar presents. A newly released book you'd been dying to get your hands on, tickets to a big science fair, and last but certainly not least, a small moonstone necklace with a delicate white-gold chain. He put it on you himself while Aunt May was in the other room refilling eggnog. You decided you were never going to take it off, no matter what.

That night Aunt May insisted the two of you stay over once more in Peter's old room.

The next morning you both spent a ridiculous amount of time just sharing lazy kisses in bed, before finally wandering downstairs for coffee.

"Peter, do you have time to stay for breakfast before you go?" Aunt May asked, sitting with the two of you in the living room sipping her coffee in Uncle Ben's old armchair.
Peter nodded. "I think so. I fixed that leak in the basement you called me about a while ago, and I fixed that thing in the washer that was making the loud banging sound and-"
Aunt May grabbed his face tightly like one would a cute dog or cat. "Oh, Peter, you do so much for this old little lady," and then she kissed the top of his head, Peter grinning sheepishly. He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, and then she let go and made her way into the kitchen. "I'm getting started on pancakes! Why don't you two make sure you have all your stuff packed so you don't have to do it after eating?"

Peter stood, pulling you to your feet, calling into the next room; "Okay Aunt May, we'll be upstairs!"

Peter kept hold of your hand on the way up the stairs, pausing at the top for a moment so you could walk next to him down the hallway.

"Hey, Pete?"

"Hm?" He looked at you, stopping so you could enter his room first, but you stopped in the doorway to his old bedroom and turned to face him, brushing a thumb over the back of his hand.

"Thank you for taking me here, to meet your Aunt May and do this whole family holiday with the two of you. I know Aunt May means a lot to you." You leaned against the door frame.

Peter brushed back a small flyaway hair from your ear. "I wanted you two to meet, I figured the two of you would get along."

You smiled.

"And you never talked about any other holiday plans, or family stuff, so-"

You looked away. Peter caught on and quickly changed the subject.

"Anyway, let's pack up real quick and go eat Aunt May's pancakes. She likes to put a lot of fruit in them, so they're best when they're hot."

Packing was quick, the two of you making short work of your small suitcases, carefully tucking each of your gifts inside, leaving out your matching scarves from Aunt May to wear when you left.

Aunt May's pancakes were delicious, verging on euphoria inducing. Peter groaned loudly with his first bite, leaning his head back.

"Oh my god, Aunt May, I can't believe I've been living without these for so long!"

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Peter," she scolded. "No matter how good the food is."

You laughed at the exchange, melting a little bit more with each bite of pancake you took.

After breakfast, you and Peter helped with clean up, washing all the dishes so Aunt May wouldn't have to do it herself after you both left. You stayed downstairs with Aunt May while Peter went and collected your suitcases, loading them into the car.

"I'm so glad Peter brought you home, Y/n. I haven't seen him this happy with someone since-" She cut herself off.

You nodded. "Thank you so much for having me. Peter cares about you a lot, May."

"I care about him a lot, too. We're all we have left, now. Family is important."

You nodded, quiet.

"I can tell he really loves you, you know."

You grinned. "I hope so, otherwise I'd just be some lovestruck idiot following him around."

Peter came back in through the front door. "We're all packed up," he announced, and he swooped in to hug Aunt May tightly. "Take care, Aunt May."

You looked away, feeling like an intruder, fidgeting with your new scarf.

"You too, Peter. Stay out of trouble."

"What, me? In trouble? Psssshhhhht, no way!" Peter let go of Aunt May.

She fixed him with a serious look. "I mean it, Peter." She turned towards you, and grabbed you into a big hug. "Take care of Peter for me."

"I promise," you hugged her back, and then let go. "I'll do my best."

"And Peter, take care of her too."

"I promise, Aunt May."

"Alright, kids, have a safe drive back! Bye, Y/n! I love you, Peter!"

"Bye Aunt May! I love you too!"

"Bye!" You waved, and then you were both in the car driving away.

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