Chapter 25

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You hid it, but you were completely healed and ready for a fight again only three days later. You couldn't let Peter or Stacy know, otherwise they'd be suspicious of your ridiculous recovery time. But A.I.M. knew, and had you back on the clock immediately.

Another visit to a politician, some more thieving, etc.

And then they asked you to sink a ship before it docked. Not a passenger ship, of course, but a cargo ship, bringing in who knows what. They didn't tell you, you didn't ask. It was your job to just destroy everything on it.

It was easy to get onto the ship, you just lounged about on a crane until it passed nearby, and then you launched yourself across the water onto the deck like a glowing indigo meteor. And, like a particularly large meteorite, you made a pretty sizable impact, crashing through the surface of the deck and crashing into the belly of the ship. Not too shabby of a start, you thought to yourself as an alarm started to sound.

You smashed your way through each floor of the ship down to the bottom, careful to leave the stairs and escape routes intact. You weren't about to drown yourself, or intentionally trap anybody else for that matter.


You turned slowly from the closed door in front of you, raising your hands slowly, letting the glow fade from your gloved fists. "Oh, hey there. What can I do for you this fine evening, gentlemen?"

Two guards in combat gear, complete with night-vision goggles, were pointing rather large guns at you.

"On your knees, NOW."

"Oh dear, this is awkward, I have a pretty bad knee, once I get down there's almost no chance of me getting back up again, it's a whole ordeal-" you stalled, backing closer to the wall.

"I said on your knees, NOW!"

You spun, fist quickly lighting back up, and punched through the wall behind you. The sound of gunfire was quickly drowned out by the sound of water rushing in through the hull, and you jumped aside, running towards the two men, knocking them aside, and running towards the exit. So much for the engine room, looks like it was gonna be an old fashioned Titanic hull disaster. Except instead of an iceberg, it was you.

You ran back up a level, punched some more holes, and repeat. You found a fire on the third one up, where you'd crashed through something apparently highly flammable. People were struggling to put it out.

"GET OUT, GET OUT! IT'S SINKING!" You yelled, chasing them out. You may be a hired villain but you weren't going to willingly let people die who were just doing their jobs. With the room cleared, you thoroughly trashed all the contents as the fire spread, waiting until the very last second to escape up to the deck. The crew were evacuating, packing into lifeboats—


Crates exploded at the end of the ship, the fire had eaten through the floor and was now spreading to the deck, and whatever was in the crates was reacting very, very poorly to the heat.

Most of the small crew was off the boat, the lifeboats trying as best they could to get away from the fire and explosio-


You were knocked to the deck, landing face-first on the salty surface.

A pair of hands, helping you up, gripping your shoulders-

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" He had to yell, everything was too loud, or you wouldn't have been able to hear him.


You stumbled to your feet. "MY JOB, IDIOT," you pushed him away, taking a defensive stance.

Two more explosions—B-BOOOM.

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