Chapter 19

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You fidgeted in the elevator slightly, the polished steel walls showing your slightly blurred reflection in nearly every surface. You tidied yourself up, touching up your lipstick, tucking the small tube back into your clutch, carefully hiding the contents from the security camera in the corner. There was a soft ding as the elevator stopped and the doors opened with a quiet whoosh, and you were met with the loud music of the after party.

You looked around, finding Harry on a couch talking to a pair of models, and Peter at the bar, looking around. He saw you as you re-entered the party, and his face lit up.

"Y/n, I was looking for you," he was grinning as he approached you.

"I need another drink, there's nothing quite like a trip to the bathroom to sober you up," you smiled at him, clutch gripped tightly in your hand.

"Sure, lemme grab one for you."

You followed Peter back to the bar, where he ordered you a drink of your choice.

The rest of the night was a blur after your third drink, but at a certain point Harry and Peter and yourself had all agreed it was time to leave. You leaned your head on Peter's shoulder the whole way to your apartment while he played with your hand in his. You were still a bit drunk, body a peculiar mix of heaviness and weightlessness. You felt the limo slow and stop.

"Hey, Y/n," Peter was whispering rubbing your arm gently. "We're at your place, do you want me to walk you in?"

You nodded, scooting clumsily out of the car, waving goodnight to Harry.

Peter walked you up to the front door of your building, as you unlocked the door, you turned to him. "D'you wanna stay over? Just t' sleep," you added, looking at him.

Peter paused, clearly also still as drunk as yourself, and nodded. "Yeah, lemme tell Harry," he said, jogging down the steps and to the limo. He tapped on a window and it rolled down to reveal Harry's face. They exchanged a few words before Harry grinned, and the limo drove off. Peter jogged back, slipped a hand into yours and then followed you inside and up to your apartment, making a few jokes about specific party guests you'd seen earlier that night. Peter was still holding your hand, and you were staring at him with a wide smile when the elevator dropped you off at your floor, and you both quietly walked to your apartment.

You let him in, giggling, while he kept making jokes. "Oh my god, Peter, shh! I don't know if Stacy's asleep!"

He grinned, leaning down behind you and nipped your ear suddenly, a hand on your waist as you kicked off your heels, one of your hands on the wall for support.

Stumbling, and now a good deal shorter, you turned your head back to try and look at him. His mouth slipped down further, brushing soft kisses on your neck. You made a small involuntary sound, and felt him smile against your neck as he stepped closer behind you, both hands on your waist and chest touching your back.

You leaned back against him, putting a hand over one of his, and slipping it into yours, you led him to your room. He stepped inside and you closed the door, leaning back against it. He turned back and looked at you as you raised your eyebrow.


He approached slowly, cupping your face in his hands, and kissed you softly. You put your arms around his shoulders, both of you clumsy but gentle. A hand started to creep down from your face, over the side of your neck, and his thumb brushed over your pulse. He pulled his hand away from you before you felt an arm wrap around your waist, and he pulled your body against his. He hummed when you pulled his hair gently and stepped forward, pushing him towards your bed. He took the hint and walked backwards until the back of his legs hit the mattress, and sat with a thump and let go of you and looked up at you to see what you would do.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now