Chapter 18

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The next morning you woke up around ten. It was raining again, the water falling in sheets against your bedroom window. You yawned, snuggling deeper into your pillow as if looking for a few more minutes of sleep inside the fabric.

On your bedside table your phone went off, and hmm-ing softly you reached for it, to see that Peter was calling. You rubbed your face and cleared your throat before answering, hoping you didn't sound like you'd just woken up.

"Hey, Peter. What's up?"

"Hey Y/n. Did I wake you up?"

You yawned again. "Nah, I woke up a little bit ago."

"Oh okay, cool," a pause. "Do you remember my friend Harry I was telling you about?"

You were slapped out of any remaining sleepiness and swallowed. "Harry Osborn, yeah?"

"Yeah. So turns out he was invited to the Stark thing tonight too, but this girl he was sort of dating is out of the country right now? I dunno. I know it's probably weird since we've only been dating for a week or two or whatever, but would you mind if he came with us? I figured since I met your friend Stacy already—sort of—it would only be fair for you to meet Harry-"

You laughed. "Yeah, that sounds fun. He's probably having a rough time right now because of what happened to his dad."

Peter sounded relieved. "Good! I think you two will get along great, he's a smart guy. We've been friends forever, so you were bound to meet him sooner rather than later."

"Yeah. I'm excited about tonight, I've never been to something like this. And I can't wait to see you in your suit, that'll be interesting," you teased.

"Hey! I clean up pretty nicely, I'll have you know. Get ready to be swept off your feet."

"I can't wait," you smiled, rolling back into your pillow. "What time are we going again?"

"It's at seven-thirty, so I'll probably be there to pick you up at six-forty-five-ish. I don't know if Harry is meeting us there or if he wants to ride there with us yet."

"That's fine. I should go, but I'll see you tonight?"

You could almost hear the smile in his voice. "Okay. Bye, Y/n."

"Bye, Peter." You were sure he could hear the smile in your voice too, before you hung up. Dropping your phone onto your comforter, you stretched and started thinking about Peter, and the night before when you'd seen all of the pictures of him and his friends on Harry's fridge. And specifically the blonde girl in the photos who's memorial pamphlet had been pinned to the the shiny steel surface of the doors. You sighed.


Your day went by quickly, filled with chores and homework while Stacy was gone. By the time six-thirty had come around, you were already dressed and ready to go, a long black coat over your black dress, black suede heels on your feet, crimson red scarf around your neck. Stacy had insisted you borrow a clutch bag to "make you look classier," and now it rested on your bathroom counter as you touched on the last piece of your makeup, a classic red lipstick Stacy demanded you wear.

Your phone went off in the clutch, and you put the cap back on the lipstick, putting it into the bag and trading it for your phone. Peter was calling.


"Hey, I'm outside with Harry. Are you ready to go?"

"I'll be right down, just a second."

"Okay. See you in a second, then."

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now