Chapter 15

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"New costume?" Spider-Man asked casually, leaning slightly on one leg and gesturing to your new suit. "I like it. Better than the old one. I wish you'd kept the pointy ears, what am I supposed to call you now that you're not a kitty-cat?"

"Well, you could call me Black Light, since that's who I am," you said dryly, turning away to finish your work with the computer. You found the files easily, loading them onto the flash drive before you unplugged it and clipped it back onto your utility belt. You could see Spider-Man watching you from the corner of your eye through your hood. Why was he just standing there? You turned to face him.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave with that flash drive."

You rolled your eyes, though he couldn't see them underneath your mask. "Oh, please."

"Just hand it over so we can skip the whole fighting thing and get to the making up part," he held out his hand.

"Fat chance, bug boy."

"Okay, first of all, kitty-cat," he started to circle you. "I'm not just any bug, I'm a spider-"

"I don't really care, you're still a bug, and you better get out of my way before I use my bug zappers on you." You shifted, beginning to circle him as well.

"Oh, you mean like you zapped Daredevil with? I was actually kind of impressed, shocked, even," you could tell from the way his posture shifted he was getting ready to make a move.

"Did you just make a pun? In the middle of a square off?"

"I might have. Not impressed?"

"Not really."


That's when he sprang, raising his right hand to shoot a web onto the high ceiling. He jumped, legs forward as he came at you like a human wrecking ball. You saw it coming from a mile away, and jumped aside. His momentum carried him past you to a good height off of the floor as his swing started to slow, he let go and used the momentum to land on the ceiling, hanging upside down from his hands and feet.

You ran through one of the many pairs of glass doors, ending up in a dim lit large room full of microscopes, steel tables, and white surfaces. Spider-Man wasn't far behind, swinging in through the doors behind you as you neared the doors on the opposite end of the room. You pushed through them, entering a room full of glass tanks that contained reptiles. One of the lizards had five legs, a snake had patches of feathers, another had a back covered in glowing eyes—you kept running, and found yourself in a large hallway. You followed it past a number of other doors, Spider-Man close behind you.

"Leaving so soon? I thought we were having fun!"

You opened a door and found yourself in a janitorial closet, you skid to a stop, your momentum having carried you almost to the far the wall, and turned around, maybe you would be able to get out before he caught up—but he was in the doorway.

You sighed.

"Lost?" you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

You shifted your stance, arms and fists glowing indigo violet, and swung. Spider-Man jumped out of the way and you ran for it again, with him following you close behind once again.

You started to think you were lost until you came to the lobby, located at what you figured was probably the very front of the building given the broad windows across the far wall. There was a sleek curved desk against one wall, the ceiling was sloped up into a dome and ended in a large architectural lamp-chandelier hybrid, currently off. There were a few benches on the side of the room by the windows, and a glass elevator across from the desk. You paused in the middle of the room, turning around to face Spider-Man, who skid to a stop. For a moment, you thought his pose looked like a surfer balancing on a wave. He looked at you, glanced around the room, and landed on you again.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now