Chapter 42: END

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A/n: So I posted all at once today just because like I just want to finish off the fanfic and start my next. Be ready for a long chapter 😊


You woke up in a white room in a hospital bed and surrounded by soft beeping. There was a soft pressure on your skull, like you were wearing a hat that was too tight. With your eyes closed against the bright light you raised a hand to feel your head—but you were stopped by the handcuffs that locked each arm to the rails on either side of you. Panicked, you struggled against your restraints, but to no avail. The monitors around you vocalized your panic with their beeping.

Suddenly a door opened and a man entered wearing a buttoned purple shirt.

"Y/n, I'm Doctor Banner. You're okay, the restraints are just a precaution, the others insisted."

"Where am I?"

He approached the side of your bed closest to the monitors, moving softly but deliberately. "You're in an Avengers facility."


He glanced at you, examining the monitors. "You sustained a head injury during a fight."

You let your head fall back against your pillow.

"We won't know until we perform a more thorough assessment if there's any lasting damage. The physical damage didn't seem to be that serious, mostly blood loss and you'll probably have a scar at the site. I've called my friend, an ex neurosurgeon, to come and check you."

"Ex neurosurgeon?"

"He didn't have his license taken away for being bad at his job, if that's what you're thinking. He was in an accident that affected his hands."

"Well, I feel fine," you stated. "Just hungry. How long was I out?"

"Only a day. I'll see if I can find something for you to eat, let the others know you pulled through."

"Was there a chance I wouldn't?"

"I wasn't sure. They were worried."

You nodded, closing your eyes. You heard the door close after him, and as exhausted as you were physically, you couldn't fall back asleep under the white lights and hunger rumbling in your stomach. So you sat, and waited, listening to the soft humming and beeping of the monitor. Realistically, it was probably only half of an hour, but it felt like half the day went by before Doctor Banner returned with another man by his side. The second man was tall with a thin face, dark hair, facial hair not unlike Tony Stark's, and a... Red cloak.

"Y/n, this is Doctor Strange. He's here to check up on you, make sure there was no lasting damage, all that," Banner said, placing a tray on the stand beside your bed, adding, "We checked with Peter to see if you have dietary restrictions, so this should all be fine."

You looked Doctor Strange up and down with sharp eyes, and then turned to see what was on the tray. "You look like a Hogwarts teacher."

"Funny," he said.

"I'll leave the two of you to your doctor-patient things," Banner said, giving you a smile and nodding at Doctor Strange before leaving the room.

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