Chapter 2

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Professor Noble's class was one of your favorite classes, not only was it on the subject you had chosen to base your life around, but it was just fun. You were always one of the first ones there these days, eager to get a good seat in the crowded auditorium. Materials ready to begin taking notes, you sat back and doodled as the classroom around you slowly began to fill up.

"Alright, class! Does everyone have their materials out and ready to go?" Professor Noble walked in through one of the side doors. "I see you all do, very good! Who remembers where we left off last class?" She dropped her bag onto the desk beside the podium at the front, and placing her laptop on the podium opening it up to find the power point for the class.

Another student called out where they had left off, and class began.

Six minutes in, the side door near the front of the class that Noble had walked through swung open, and a frazzled student rushed in, stopping when he saw everyone looking at him.

"Late again, Parker." Noble shook her head at him. "Find a seat, get out your notes."

He grinned sheepishly, and slid into the open desk beside you. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, pausing in your note taking. He was pulling out a spiral notebook, and rummaging for something to write with. He paused, feeling eyes on him, and made eye contact with you.

Oh, no. He's hot.

You swallowed, blushing slightly, and offered him your spare pen silently. He accepted, finger brushing yours, and winked as he clicked it with his thumb. You looked away, trying not to burst out in a nervous grin.

"Y/n! Perhaps you have some ideas to share? I know you've been doing your own personal research into Stark tech," Noble called on you, catching you by surprise.

"Oh, uhm, yeah, I do-" you cleared your throat, feeling eyes on you. Normally you enjoyed the attention, you knew you were intelligent and like to show off. You glanced at—what was his name? Parker? He was grinning at you. You looked away quickly and shifted in your seat, crossing your legs. "Yeah. So, I was thinking about how Stark could potentially use his Iron Man tech for prosthetics or even for mobility aids for people with paralysis..." And off you went, as soon as you started talking about your ideas, the whole world melted away, all you could think of was the bright sparkling future you were speaking about in your head.

As you continued talking, people looked away, either bored or taking down notes of your ideas, knowing Noble had a habit of using them for future class discussions. You finished speaking, and stole a glance at Parker again. His shit eating grin was replaced by genuine interest. You smiled, embarrassed at being caught looking once again, and looked away.

Nearly two hours later, class ended and students hurriedly began packing, ready to run to their next classes or wherever else they needed to be. You were in no rush, this was your last class of the day and you had five hours before you needed to be at Professor Noble's laboratory, so you packed at a leisurely pace.


You looked up to find Parker standing in front of your desk, backpack slung over just one shoulder. You gave a casual smile in greeting. "Parker, right?"

"Peter Parker."

"Right. You're the late kid." You grinned.

He laughed. "Busy guy. What's your name?"

You gave him your first name.

"There a last name that goes with that?" He smiled down at you, standing just at the edge of your personal bubble.

"Who wants to know?"

"Just that I have a friend who knows Stark personally, and he might like to hear some of your ideas."

"They're just ideas, I'm sure he's already thought of them."

"You'd be surprised how busy he is with other stuff."



"That's my last name." You smiled up at him from your seat, closing your bag, and standing up.

"Y/n Y/l/n. That's pretty."

You grinned. "It's alright."

"So, Y/n Y/l/n, how about I get my friend to introduce you to Iron Man?"

You paused. This Peter guy was pretty cute, and Noble would kill for access to Stark's labs. You knew because she almost had.

Peter was waiting, staring at you eagerly for a response.

"How about you take me out to coffee and I'll think about it?"

His face split into a huge grin. "I know a great place not too far from here."

You grinned back, and followed him out the door.

A/n: make sure to vote
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