Chapter 16

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You woke up in a cold sweat at six thirty in the morning, according to your phone, with rain pounding against your window. The sheets were tangled around your legs, and your blankets hanging off the corner of your bed. You looked around your room, pushing yourself into a sitting position, rubbing your face and leaning back on one arm. You didn't know what had gotten you so worked up in your sleep, but your heart was pounding and you knew you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

You checked your phone again. That's right, it was Tuesday. No classes, just work at Noble's lab that afternoon. You could tell her you were finally meeting Tony Stark, make plans to scout out his building and find out where he kept his toys. You took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. Your heart was steadying, but you still felt a knot of dread in your stomach. What on earth had you dreamed about?

You lay in bed for another solid twenty minutes, trying to use a mediation app Stacy recommended to calm you down. It helped a little with the knot in your gut, but you were still tense, so you got out of bed at six fifty-two and filled up the bathtub with hot water and epsom salts for your tense and sore muscles, soaking until the water went from scalding to lukewarm. Stacy emerged from her bedroom as you emerged from the bathroom, and you made eye contact across the open kitchen and living room space.

"Wow, you're up early," she punctuated her sentence with a yawn.

"Woke up and then couldn't fall back asleep," you explained, crossing the space to your room.

"Probably the rain, woke me up a few times too."

"Yeah, probably." You dropped your towel, putting on some underwear and dressing into a cozy sweater and jeans. Your phone buzzed. A text from Peter.

Good morning!

You smiled, unplugging your phone and taking it with you into the kitchen, typing out a reply.

Good morning! Have you had breakfast yet?

An almost immediate response.

Not yet, did you wanna go get a bite?

"Is that Peter?"

You looked up, Stacy was smiling and raising an eyebrow at you.

"Yeah, I think we're gonna go get breakfast."

Yeah, I know a good diner if you're up for it

Sure, I'm already out and about I'll come get your from your place

"He's going to come meet me here and then we're going to that one diner," you grinned at Stacy.

"Which date is this?"

"Three? Kinda, yeah. I dunno we've been just getting casual meals and stuff."

"And I already get to meet him? How exciting!" She grinned back at you as she made herself breakfast in the kitchen, you watching over the back of the couch.

You laughed. "Don't scare him, okay? I really like him."

"Scare him? Who, me?" Stacy looked at you, her voice jokingly scandalized. She flipped her bacon, grinning cheekily.

You rolled your eyes. "I'm going to finish getting ready before he's here." You disappeared into the bathroom, tidying up your appearance, and picked out a scarf and hat from your room to go with your favorite warm coat and your sweater. While you were putting on your shoes in your room, you heard a knock at the front door. How did Peter get inside the building? You rushed to put on your boots all the way so you could answer the door before Stacy, but as you stumbled out of your room she was already opening the front door.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now