Chapter 27

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Pretending your ribs still hurt for the last week of recovery was the most challenging thing you'd ever had to do—at least when others were around. You stored the pills A.I.M. had given you in with your Black Light costume. Peter was busy with finals, so you didn't see him much during that time. You didn't have the heart to tell him you'd dropped out of school, so you lied and said you'd made special arrangements to take your finals at different times. Stacy was barely home, working constantly and finishing her semester too.

You spent the majority of your free time doing work for A.I.M., working in Noble's lab again to come up with better gadgets and tools for Black Light to potentially use against Iron Man, training at the secret headquarters, and trying to come up with a trap for Spider-Man with Harry.

It was in bed watching Netflix that you got a call from a number you didn't have saved in your phone. Pausing your show, you answered, curious.


"Is this Miss Y/l/n?"

"Yes, how can I hep you...?"

"I'm calling from the office of Mr. Tony Stark, he asked me to schedule a meeting with you at our offices."

"A meeting?"

"He said you met at the charity fundraiser and discussed a job offer."

You'd nearly forgotten about meeting Tony Stark with what had been happening lately.

"Oh, yeah! Yeah, I'd love to come in."

"Are you available Friday at one-fifteen?"

"Yes, I'll be there."

"Wonderful. Check in at the front desk at Stark Tower and they'll direct you where to go from there."

"Thank you so much-"

"Thank you." Click.

Barely seconds after the call had ended your phone buzzed with a text from Peter.

Not gonna make it over tonight, I'm sorry :'( raincheck?

You replied, reassuring him that it was okay but you missed him—you'd only seen him once in the last two weeks since he'd told you he loved you, and you were scared he was going to bolt because you hadn't said anything back. You swallowed the lump in your throat.

"I'm hoooooome, Y/n! And I brought Chinese for dinner!"

"Be right there!"


Friday, 12:56 P.M. You walked up to the front desk on the first floor, wearing your best professional business clothes; pencil skirt, low heels, crisp white shirt.

"Hello, I have an appointment for one-fifteen?"


"Y/n Y/l/n."

"Here is your visitor's badge, insert it into the visitor slot under the floor buttons and the elevator will take you up." The woman handed you a swipe-card on a red lanyard with little Iron Man faces all over it, looking you up and down briefly with a hint of judgement.

You frowned slightly and thanked her, turning away towards the elevator. You slipped on the lanyard, inspecting the card as you pressed a button and waited for the elevator. On one side was simply your name and a blue dot. The other side was a microchip and a metal strip.

A soft ding and the elevator doors slid open in front of you. You stepped into the empty elevator, quickly finding the slot for your visitor card and inserting it like a debit card at an ATM.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now