Chapter 11

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When you'd briefly wondered about meeting Daredevil last Thursday, and half jokingly wondered at that, you hadn't expected to be lying in wait for him at the docks in Hell's Kitchen just a few days later. Needless to say, it wasn't your usual Sunday night.

You were perched on top of one of the many metal shipping crates that made up the maze of the docks. You didn't know what Daredevil was after or what it had to do with A.I.M., but you did know your body was tense with adrenaline and you were ready to kick some unholy ass. Your ears were being crushed by the heavy weight of silence as you stood, turning slowly, waiting for some sign of the devil.

A thump behind you on the metal.

You spun around, fists glowing and humming.

"It's a little late for you to be hanging around the docks, don't you think?"

You bent your knees, shifting into fighting position. The man in front of you was dressed in a deep crimson red. Leather, you noted. He stood eerily still, feet shoulder width apart.

"The horns are a nice touch," you said dryly, adopting your false accent. "Bit dramatic, don't you think? Dressing up like the devil?"

A soft breath escaped his nose, almost a chuckle. "They called me the devil first. I just went with it."

"Fair enough, I suppose."

"What are you here for?"

Ah, that's right. He didn't know who you were.

"Ah, how rude of me," you bent your knees slightly, feet beginning to glow as you prepared to jump at him. "Here I am knowing all about you when I haven't even introduced myself. They call me Black Light." You leaped, aiming a punch at his head. He must have seen it coming though, it wasn't like you were trying to surprise him, and he blocked your fist, sliding backwards on the steel of the shipping container. He looked surprised. You lowered your voice, now that you were a mere foot away from his face. "And I've been sent to kick your ass."

He pushed away from you, flipping backwards off of the shipping container and landing in the gravel below. You followed, landing six feet behind him in a crouch, and rose slowly.

Okay, maybe you were being a little dramatic. But you looked so cool and you felt so badass, it just wouldn't be fair if you didn't get to make one-liners.

"That's funny," Daredevil said, posturing himself to make his own attack. "I haven't heard of you." He bolted towards you, moving as if he was going to hit you in the side of the head.

"I'm new to the scene, that's probably why," you grunted, ducking under his arm, going to grab his wrist and flip him over, but he was one step faster and he grabbed your arm with his free one, you tightened your grip on his wrist—fuck, your hand was too small, your fingers couldn't reach all the way around—he pulled, you let go but now your back was to him and he was holding your right forearm with his left hand, and his hands were big enough to close all the way around. He spun you so you were facing him.

"Who sent you?"

You went to punch him in the nose, but he grabbed your other forearm. You could see he was straining to hold on to the smooth metal braces that wrapped around your forearms, the vibration of your powers going through his hands and up into his arms.

"Who sent you?"

You kicked him in the stomach. He stumbled back, hands unable to keep hold.

"I think you know who sent me," you punched before he regained balance, landing one in the center of his chest. He stumbled again, the force of your glowing fist almost knocking him over.

"A.I.M.," he grunted, regaining balance and dodging your fist and lashing out with a punch of his own. You ducked, and then jumped as he spun, leg out to knock you off your feet. "They're corrupt."

"Buddy, the whole fuckin' world is corrupt," you blocked a fist, knocking it aside with your arm, and almost landed another blow, spinning out of his reach when he almost grabbed your arm again.

The two of you were fighting blurs now, both unable to land a blow.

Until, of course, one of you did. You'd managed to land a few early on, by catching Daredevil by surprise. He hadn't gotten you until now, having figured out your style.
The blow was hard, and caught you in the stomach. You stumbled back, almost falling over, but saved by the corrugated steel wall of another shipping container behind you.

"Oh, fuck, dude-" you gasped for breath. "I haven't gotten hit that hard by anything since robot training at school-"

Daredevil went to grab you again, but was met by both of your feet kicking him in the stomach, glowing legs launching him a solid eight feet away. He landed on his back, hard, groaning quietly.

You let out a breathless laugh, standing up straight and catching your breath. You walked over to him as he was rolling over to his side. You paused. You'd never hit a man while he was down before, and it's not like you were shy of violence, but this was only your second fight in a very long time-

Your hesitation cost you. He grabbed your no-longer-glowing ankle and yanked, knocking you down onto your back. You gasped desperately—if you thought the wind was knocked out of you before, then now you were planet Druidia from the movie Spaceballs after they'd sucked away the atmosphere.

Daredevil was getting up, but you weren't about to let him. It was your first day on the job, and you were not about to let this guy fuck it up for you. You lashed out with a boot, kicking him in the side of the head with your steel toe, knocking him over, and scrambled for higher ground. Now kneeling above him, you lunged down, grabbing his neck, pressing your right knee into the center of his chest.

"Don't move, or I'll electrocute you. I haven't used these yet, and I forgot to ask how high the voltage is, so I'd listen if I were you."

Daredevil froze, one hand around the wrist of the hand at his neck, the other floating, now frozen, in the air as if he was about to fight back.

What the hell were you supposed to do with him now?

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