Chapter 24

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"Hey Y/n, you awake?"

Blinking heavily you pulled your consciousness out of sleep like a swimmer heaving themselves out over the side of a swimming pool.

"Yeah—yup I'm up, I'm up—ow, shit. Hey, what're you doing here?"

Peter was sitting on the floor in front of the couch you were laying on, a rom-com playing on the TV, and eating yogurt covered pretzels. "Stacy had to work so I'm taking care of you because your painkillers are, apparently, very very strong."

You nodded, yawning. "Reasonable."

"I was about to make some food, hungry?"

"Sure. What are you watching?"

"'Ten Things I Hate About You.' I kind of forgot how much of a babe Heath Ledger is," Peter grinned at you as he shifted and rose to his feet. "How you feeling, need any painkillers before I go cook?"

"I think I'll be okay for now," you said, reaching for the bottle as soon as he was in the next room to check the label.

Sure enough, there was the A.I.M. logo hidden in the corner of the label. Clearly these were no ordinary pills.

Peter finished cooking some simple pasta, helping you sit up so you could eat when he came back. You checked your phone while you ate, a few social media notifications here and there, and a text from A.I.M.

Don't let anyone else get hold of your pills. They are not meant for those without powers. Do not miss a dose, they will heal your ribs faster. Delete after reading.

You deleted the message with a frown.

"Hey, Y/n, what do you know about A.I.M.?"

You nearly snorted a noodle out of your nose.


"A.I.M., the tech company?"

"Uh, I know they're one of Stark's main competitors and they offered me a job post graduation, why?"

Peter shrugged. "I noticed their logo on your meds."

A chill ran down your spine. "Oh. Yeah, they've been expanding into different stuff I guess."

Peter nodded, eyes ahead on the TV screen. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, suspicious.

Does he know?

Peter looked at you. "Did I ever tell you about my ex Gwen?"

You shook your head, a jolt in your stomach reminded you that she was the girl on Harry's fridge. "No."

"We met our first year of college, she was studying English and literature and stuff, I was studying all my nerd shit. Harry introduced us."

You swallowed, looking at him.

"We dated for about two years, she was my first serious girlfriend."

"What happened?"

"She uh... Green Goblin... Well, I guess she was trying to help Spider-Man, and Green Goblin saw that... She died. Fell, I guess."

"Oh, my g- Peter, I'm so sorry. I had no idea--"

Peter was looking down at his food. You could tell he was tearing up. "I'm so... I'm so sorry, Peter."

"And my Uncle Ben, too. He raised me, basically, him and my Aunt May after my parents died. He died in a mugging."

Suddenly everything hit you at once. Peter had lost so much, his Uncle, Gwen, his parents. And here you were, secretly using his best friend in a plot to commit a murder that could easily get either or both of you hurt or killed, and you hadn't even thought-

"That's why I rushed over as soon as you called, I just remembered my Uncle Ben, and I remembered Gwen and-" Peter turned and met your eyes. "Y/n, I know we haven't been together that long and I don't want to freak you out and you don't have to return it and you can even ignore it but—fuck, I realized when you called that I can't lose you too. I just- shit, I love you, Y/n."

Blank. That's what your mind was, blank. You couldn't remember any words, you just stared, images of Harry, drunk, agreeing to help you kill Spider-Man. You were destroying his best friend, and he loved you and—you hated to admit it, but even with everything going on, you were starting to love Peter too.

You were just staring now, and the silence was going past what was probably acceptable.


"Don't say anything, I just wanted to tell you. I won't mention it again, I promise, until you know how you feel or-" he didn't even sound bitter. He genuinely meant every word.

"Peter, you're amazing, did you know that? Come here."

He laughed, and shifted around so he could accept your awkward and delicate hug.

A/n: make sure to vote          
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