Chapter 10

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Several hours later, and you were back at the super duper secret A.I.M. building they'd brought you to last Thursday.

"Miss Y/l/n! Right on time, I can't wait for you to try on your new suit!" Mr. Eto jumped up from his seat as the silver door slid shut behind you, eyes sparkling with excitement. He rushed over and shook your hand, pocketing a stylus.

"Mr. Eto, you almost look more excited than I am," you laughed.

"Oh, you'll see in a minute. There's a changing room this way, I want to see you in it, make sure it fits and everything," he let go of the hand he was shaking, and waved to one of the side doors in the large room. "It's pretty easy to get on. I'll be out here."

You went into the dressing room. Along one wall were mirrors. Opposite was a bench where you could put your clothes after you changed, and hanging next to the bench—your suit. The black material was shiny in a subtle way, like silk, and the indigo-violet that ran up the arms and legs and made up most of the torso was more matte. You stepped forward and touched the fabric—it was smooth and flexible, running across your fingertips like water. Something that looked like a hood was attached to the neck.

"Wow," you breathed.

Quickly you changed, shimmying into the one-piece bodysuit with ease. It fit like a glove, and you couldn't help but admire yourself in the mirror. You tried on the hood—it was loose, like a hoodie, and not snug like you expected in to be. Noticing that he hadn't provided the shoes, gloves, or mask that went with the suit, you stepped out of the room, looking like a surfer in a wetsuit.

"Mr. Eto, I didn't see the gloves or the shoes or the mask-"

"I came up with a few of each of those and wanted you to pick the most comfortable," he said, gesturing to a table laden with boots, gloves, and masks, looking your suit up and down. "It fits?"

You looked down at yourself. "Yeah, fits like a glove," you looked at him. "If I knew any of your other handiwork, I'd say you've outdone yourself, but since I have no baseline..." You shrugged.

He chuckled. "I did outdo myself with this one. Got carried away a bit, wanted to try my new textiles."

"Yeah, what is this stuff anyway?"

"Haven't named it yet. But the whole design is fireproof and hydrophobic, and those purple sections? They're designed to withstand knifes, darts, shrapnel, even long distance bullets theoretically. The lantern shape is supposed to cover most of your most vulnerable organs. If they're close enough for you to grab the gun, though, grab the gun before they can shoot. The black fabric isn't quite as strong, but it should protect from most blades unless they're very, very sharp, or the person you're fighting is very, very strong."

You were looking over the table of gloves, boots, and masks now. "That's... I'm impressed."

"I know. It's very impressive. All of that, and it's only the thickness of insulated leggings. I'm a genius," he grinned at you. "The boots are all mostly the same in design, I'm afraid, it's mostly just different soles and grips, pick whichever one is most comfortable and then we'll move on to the gloves."

You spent a while picking out boots, eventually landing on a pair that made you a good two inches taller due to the thick rubber soles and shiny steel tips that covered the toes.

"And now, onto the gloves." Mr. Eto rubbed his hands together with excitement. "Jimmy made some neat accessories for these that he thought you'd appreciate. This pair has some stun darts in the fingers, this one has an electro-shock mode—nothing lethal, of course—and these-"

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