Chapter 31

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You took the subway to Harry's area. A cab would've cost quadruple the amount and just as long with the Saturday night traffic to take you all the way. It let you out on the other side of the neighborhood, and you began the trek to Harry's penthouse. Never before had you wished more that flying or teleporting was one of your powers. Of course, stamina wasn't the problem for you, you'd somehow gained even more during your weeks of intense training with A.I.M. It was the cold wind that was bothering you. You could tell that soon, maybe not tonight, but soon enough, it would start snowing.

Head down and hands in your pockets, you trudged forward. You could see Harry's building just a few blocks away, and just ahead there was a shortcut, an alleyway—you glanced around to check that nobody was following you, and turned down the alley, squeezing past a dumpster, careful not to touch the brick wall, shiny with an unknown substance. The alley was empty, aside from the litter and damp cardboard boxes. And it was warmer, the wind turning into just a gentle breeze between the tall close walls. You emerged on the other side, one block closer already. You decided to keep with the alleys and get there sooner, and keep avoiding the wind.

Jogging across the empty street, you entered the next alley, and strode quickly through. You were passing a second dumpster, when a rustling sound caught your ear, and you whipped your head around just in time to get hit across the face and shoved back against the wall by a young white man a year or two your junior, scraggly mustache in need of a shave.

"What's in the pur-?"

You were already shifting into position to strike back, when he was yanked off of you by a long, white cord.

"What the-?!" He fell backwards onto his ass, landing in a puddle, and Spider-Man dropped from above, jumping forward and webbing the young man up.

You jumped forward, away from the alley wall, and straightened your coat. Spider-Man turned around, leaving the young man on the ground.

"Are you okay?" He stepped forward, voice a bit anxious. "Your cheek-"


Spider-Man gestured at your face, stepping forward. "Can I see?"

You raised your hand to your face and winced at the cut on your cheekbone. "Ah, fuck. Is it bleeding?"

Spider-Man gently touched your face and turned your head to the side. "Ah, just a little. It looks okay. Gonna bruise, for sure though." He dropped his hands to his sides, and stepped back from you. "I gotta go drop this guy off, are you gonna be okay?"

You nodded. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Thanks."

He nodded. "Will you stick on the main streets for me?"

You nodded again, looking at him. There was something so familiar... You chalked it up to having fought him a handful of times before.

"I'll see ya 'round, Spidey."

He picked up the man and shot a web up high. "Stay safe. Stay out of any alleys for me, no matter how creepy and fun they look!" And then he swung away, the webbed up mugger's muffled screaming disappearing quickly.

The wind numbed your now throbbing cheek the rest of the way to Harry's building. The doorman recognizing you as 'Parker's young lady' and letting you in straight away. You kept your cheek covered with your hand, pretending it was because of the cold. In the elevator you loosened your scarf and took off your hat, tidying yourself up in the mirrored walls of the elevator. It slowed and stopped with a gentle lurch and cheerful ding, the doors opening into a small hallway, the door at one end leading to Harry's penthouse, the other to the stairs. You could already hear the music through the walls. Harry had apparently even hired a butler to let guests in.

"Hello, miss," the man greeted you.

"Hi, I'm here for Harry's party."

"Very good, name?"

"Y/n Y/l/n, I'm with his best friend Peter-"

"Parker, ah yes. You've beat him here." A pause, as he eyed your cheek. "That looks fresh, would you care for an icepack?"

"I can find one inside, thank you."

"Should I call the authorities for you miss, to-?"

"Spider-Man took care of it."

"Very good. Please enjoy the party, Miss Y/l/n." He bowed and opened the door for you, closing it behind you once you were inside.

You hadn't ever seen Harry's place when it was in party mode. The lights were half-dimmed, the music was loud, and Harry had hired a bartender to man his kitchen. You blinked as a light flashed across your eyes—was that seriously a disco ball?

A woman took your coat, hat, and scarf for you and disappeared down the hall and you promptly squeezed your way to the kitchen.

"What can I get for ya, little lady there?"

"An icepack from Harry's freezer, please. And just a soda for now."

"Ah, yeah, that's a fresh one there innit? How'd you get that?"

"Mugger on the way over."

"You don't look too frazzled, took care of him yerself didja?"

You grinned in response as he handed over an electric blue ice-cold packet of frozen gel. "Thanks. I'll be back for a real drink in a bit." You slipped away from the kitchen and off to the side, scanning the room for Harry as you held the icepack to your cheek.

Finally you found him, coming in from his large balcony, laughing with a drink in hand. He closed the door behind him, and mingled for a few minutes before he spotted you. You saw his enthusiastic welcoming grin transform the second he saw your icepack and he wormed his way over.

"What the hell happened?"

"Some tool tried to jump me on my way over, but I'm fine. I'm just waiting for Peter to get here to drink so he's not left out."

"Thank fuck, I thought maybe you got beat on the job again. Glad you're okay, but Peter's gonna flip his lid. Good luck getting five seconds away from him after he gets here," he laughed, you smiled. "He's running late, huh?"

You shrugged, nodding. "I guess he was visiting his Aunt May today or something."

Harry nodded. "Come on, I'll introduce you to—Ahh, speak of the devil!" He opened his arms up to receive a hug from someone approaching from behind your left shoulder. You turned, and saw Peter unbuttoning his black coat with a grin on his face as he approached the two of you. He gave Harry a warm hug and pat on the back.

"Hey, man, sorry I'm late," Peter let go of Harry and turned to you. "Hey, I'm so—oh my god, Y/n what happened? Are you okay?!" Peter took your face in his hands and gently pulled away the icepack from your cheek to see it for himself.

"Just bad luck on the way over, I'm fine, Peter," you tried to smile reassuringly. "I promise, it's not that bad."

"What happened?"

"Some dumbass tried to jump me, it was my bad, I took a shortcut through an alley without checking around me. I promise, I'm fine-"

"Did you call the police?"

"Didn't have to, Spider-Man was there."


"He took care of it, I'm fine. He even checked to make sure I wasn't hurt bad before he left."

"Harry, you still have the first aid kit in your bathroom, right?" Peter had an arm around you, and he turned to Harry.

"Yeah. Same spot in the cabinet." Harry was frowning, tense.

"C'mon Y/n, let's go clean that up and put something on it before we get shitfaced," Peter squeezed his arm around you softly and grinned.

"Alright, sounds good," you laughed, letting him steer you down the hallway, leaving Harry with the party.

A/n: make sure to vote
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