Chapter 38

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"So how's work going? I feel like we haven't gotten to hang out in a while," Stacy said, plopping down onto the couch with you.

"Work's good," you said. "Having Tony Stark as a boss is pretty crazy," you reached into a small box on the table. "What color do you want?"

"Classic red, of course," Stacy said, and you pulled out a bottle of crimson nail polish, shaking it, and began painting her nails. "And how's Peter?"

You grinned. "He's amazing. Kind of stressed since he's almost completely done with school, but I know he's gonna be fine. I never see him at work, even though we're doing the same stuff basically, but I think that's probably best."

"Ever make out at work?"

You laughed, shaking your head.

"Aw, come on, that's so boring! If you work at the same place you should make out in a supply closet at least once. You guys are so boring, you never do anything crazy and you never have any drama," she teased you, but really you knew this was her way of praising your surprisingly healthy relationship.

"What about you? How's everything going?" You asked, bent over her hand, careful not to get any polish on her skin.

"Things are really good, actually," and then she began catching you up on her life. You listened happily to her stories about her work, the guy she was still seeing, and the last conversation she had with her brother, wishing that your life was still so simple.

"Alright, your turn! What color do you want?" She asked, checking to make sure her nails were dry.


You always thought it was kind of ridiculous and dramatic when shows had heroes standing on rooftops gazing into the distance whenever they were thinking about their problems. So despite your general anxiety and dread, you couldn't help but laugh at yourself as you perched on top of the skeleton of a tower currently under construction. The city scape glittered below you, and the stars sparkled faintly above, washed out by the yellow city lights. Dangling your feet over the edge of a steel beam, you watched the night pass by below. What could you do?

"What's a mysterious hooded figure like you doing in a creepy place like this?"

Startled, you whipped your head around, finding none other than Spider-Man.

You sighed, and put on your fake accent. "I'm off duty, Spider-Man. Can we not do the whole fighting thing right this minute?" You turned your back to him, and nearly fell off your perch in surprise when he sat down next to you, just outside of reach.

"What's troubling you?"

You stared at him.


"Oh come on, Spidey. Are you really going to try to turn me from my evil ways with a heart-to-heart at a construction site?"

"Just trying to make conversation, get to know the baddie I've been fighting," he shrugged, swinging his dangling legs like a kid in a seat too high for them.

"Gee, I'd almost rather do the fighting thing."

The two of you sat in awkward silence. You were growing tenser by the second.

"I don't like things the way they are," you blurted.

Spider-Man turned his head to look at you.

"I don't like where I am, who I answer to."

"You work for someone?"

You nodded.

"Who? Maybe I can-"

"No. Trust me. They're big. I'm only still there because they threatened P- they threatened my boyfriend and my best friend. I mean, I'm not exactly innocent, I started out as a pretty impressive thief and all. But I never really hurt people, or at least I didn't go out of my way to hurt people. And now," you let out an exhausted laugh, "And now, I've created a new Green Goblin, they want me to kill my boss at my day job- and-"

"Who's your boss?"

"Nuh-uh. No way I'm telling you, you're gonna try to find who I am."

"I promise I won't. But maybe, if I know who the boss is, I can do something so you don't have to kill him. Black Light, please—let me help."

You rolled your eyes under your mask, sighing. Suddenly you were hit by an idea. "I won't tell you who it is, but—what if I give you a piece of information? Something super-duper extremely top secret?" Your masked eyes met his.

"What is it?" He leaned forward.

"They have a robot. It's crazy high-tech, massive firepower."

"What kind of robot?"

"Uh, well, did you ever see The Incredibles?"

"Uhhhh, yeah?"

"It's like the weird white one that the crazy fanboy has, but with more legs and scarier."

Spider-Man sat silently. "Are you pulling my web?"

"No! I'm serious. I think they want to use it against the Avengers, I was at the demo and they kept saying stuff like 'Hulk resistant,' and 'more firepower than the Iron Man suit.' I think it's got tech straight from Doctor Octopus. Look, Bug Brain, believe me or not, I'm risking everything even just telling you about it!"

"Okay, okay, I believe you! I believe you." He sat, contemplating for a moment.

You carefully rose to your feet, the thin floor creaking under you and the plastic sheets rustling in the open air. Spider-Man looked up at you.

"Look, Spider-Man... I want you to know it's business as usual after this, okay? I'm still gonna be with Green Goblin trying to kick your ass and doing damage all over town. It's not personal, it's just my job."

Spider-Man stood, facing you, and you paused. You wondered if you should just tell him everything, that Green Goblin was Harry Osborn and wanted him dead and you were going to help kill him, that A.I.M. was behind everything and wanted him dead as well, and Tony Stark too. What if you just took off your hood and your mask right there and left it all up to Spider-Man to take care of? You stared at him as he stood there, silent and surprisingly accepting of your roles.

"Oh, and one more thing," you blurted, interrupting the moment. "If you can find Daredevil, he might be able to give you more info. I've had some run ins with him." Before Spider-Man could say anything, you stepped forward, touched his arm in thanks, and then jumped from the building with your grappling hook.

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