Chapter 39

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Your day job, meanwhile, continued to be a complete dream. Stark gave you complete freedom to work on your own ideas and projects, and so you did, keeping only the most questionable designs hidden away in your second lab with Professor Noble. Occasionally he'd have you work on small assignments, fine-tuning Hawkeye's new arrow gadgets, once you even got to meet Black Widow herself and help Tony fix up her new toys. It was hard to tell if she liked you or not. But then again, she was Russian.

The day after your late-night chat with Spider-Man you were called into Tony Stark's office.

"Ah, Y/n, you remember Spider-Man," Tony said when you walked in.

Just like the day of your interview, you were surprised by Spider-Man's presence in Tony's office.

"Long time no see," you greeted him. "How's it swingin'?"

Spider-Man nodded a hello in return.

"Spidey here just dropped by to tell me about a conversation he had last night with Black Light."

You were pretty sure you visibly paled. Had you let something slip in your talk that gave you away? Your mind raced over the conversation, trying to thing of anything that might have let him know who you were.

"What ab- what was it about?"

"Turns out Black Light works for somebody, and that somebody has built a secret weapon. She described it as-"

"The white leggy robot from Incredibles but scarier. To summarize."

"So I want your help trying to maybe figure out what it might be able to do, and what it's got." Tony waved you over to his desk, and the three of you got to work. You were only somewhat distracted by the presence of Spider-Man. Mostly because in the back of your mind you kept thinking about the fights you've been in and how you might have to try to kill him, but also because this was the longest you'd been around him where you weren't trying to knock each other out, and you were able to appreciate his shape, to put it politely. You wondered if maybe you had a type, because he was so similar to Peter in size and build.

"So, depending on the size of the—cockpit, I guess we can call it—it could have all sorts of gadgets inside."

"Black Light said it was supposed to be Hulk resistant, so I'm guessing on the bigger size. She also said it had some crazy firepower."

You nodded. "Okay, so, I think if I was going to design this with the Hulk in mind, I'd make it pretty damn big. And let's face it, nobody so far has figured out how to compress impressive firepower into smaller containers like Tony here-"

"That's a given."

"-So, we'd have to add even more size to accommodate for whatever they decided to put in there. Plus life support and the general tech they might have in there to keep it functioning, and who knows how much space that actually takes up. How many legs did she say it has...?"


"Y/n, we need to make a move. I can't stand waiting anymore. We have to finish this."

You were walking home after a long day at work, the last few days having been dedicated to figuring out the A.I.M. robot that Spider-Man was calling Leggy-Eggy, when Harry called you.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now