Chapter 9

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Mr. Adams office was exactly as one would expect it to be. Soft gray walls, sleek shiny black furniture, one or two plants, and a large piece of abstract art hanging above a black leather couch against the wall.

"Miss Y/l/n, come in! Have a seat!" Mr. Adams gestured at the two seats opposite his own at his desk.

"Hello," you gave a polite smile and closed the office door behind you, crossing the room to take a seat.

"How did it go today? I trust my scientists were gentle with you."

"They were great, actually. I liked them a lot."

"Wonderful! Wonderful," his the smile in his eyes was different from the one on his lips. He glanced from his computer screen to you, hands clasped in front of his mouth. "I saw the video of you in the training room. Very impressive, I have to say."

You weren't exactly sure what to say. You shrugged, "The robot looked at me funny," you joked nervously.

"Have you ever seen footage of yourself fighting, Miss Y/l/n?"

"Um... Not really, no. I don't fight as much as I did when I was younger."

He swung the monitor towards you. "Take a look," he said, pressing the space button on his keyboard. A video began to play.

It was you, in the practice room, wearing your tank top and stretchy skinny jeans. You were ducking under the robot's fist, your fists, forearms, and lower legs glowing an indigo-violet. The robot missed, and you jumped up, using your powers in your legs to push you a good six feet into the air, and you spun around, leg out, foot colliding with the robot's head. There was a burst of sparks that temporarily blinded the camera, and then the chunk of metal that was the robot's head was flying towards the mirror, smashing an entire panel on impact. You landed in a crouch, quickly rolling out of the way of the robot's falling body. You looked towards the mirrors, your face spreading into a surprised "oh," as you turned around to apologize to Jimmy for destroying his robot.

Mr. Adams stopped the video.

"It seems we won't have to train you as much as we'd thought. A little practice here and there, of course, wouldn't hurt, but I am very, very impressed," he was watching you like a hawk, eyes sparkling. "As soon as your suit is ready we'd like you to start working on taking down Spider-Man. He's been causing some trouble for the company, and we just can't have it."

"Sure, yeah," you replied simply. You were unsettled from the clip of the video you'd just watched. You'd never seen yourself like that before. You knew you could kick some ass, but you didn't realize you looked like that when you did.

It took about half an hour to hash out the details of your employment with A.I.M. You'd continue your work with Professor Noble at her lab, but in addition you would now have your 'special abilities' as Mr. Adams called it at the beck and call of A.I.M., doing errands such as breaking and entering, sabotage (though that's not what Mr. Adams called it), and fighting Spider-Man and any other hero that tried to interfere with with A.I.M.'s business. And you'd be making a good chunk of money while doing it. Wonder if I'll run into Daredevil, you mused as you shook Mr. Adams hand before leaving.

The same big bald white dude was waiting outside of the office to escort you out of the warehouse and back to your home. The car ride was as quiet as it had been before, but felt about twice as long. When you got home, you ate a box of mac'n'cheese and fell asleep watching TV on the couch.

Your weekend was pretty average after that. You hung out with Stacy, did homework, texted Peter a bit. Saturday night you even went out with her and got drunk. You drank, you danced, you sang, and apparently, you broke a guy's arm.

"I what?" you almost shouted the next morning, sitting on the couch as Stacy poured herself a second cup of coffee in the kitchen behind you.

"He grabbed your ass and you broke his arm, dude," she laughed. You heard the clink of a spoon against the side of a mug, and a second clink as she put the spoon on the counter. "We got kicked out after that, it was kind of amazing."

"Oh, my god," you groaned, throwing your head back and covering your eyes with your arm. "I mean, he had it coming but oh my god, I broke a man's arm at a club."

"I honestly didn't realize you were so strong, Y/n," she sat on the couch next to you. "You should become a superhero, run around breaking the arms of thieves and perverts."

You snorted. "Oh yeah, what would they call me?"

"The Misandrist," she joked, making air quotes with her free hand.

You laughed. "I can see the headlines now. 'Female Superhero Targets Only Men,' 'Female Superhero Finds Crime Ring in New York City, But Can She Find Love?'"

Stacy laughed. "Fucking amazing. You have any plans today?"

"Nah, I just have one thing but that's not until six." Mr. Eto had called you the day before and arranged for you to pick up your new suit. You were more than eager to try it on and take it for a spin around the city. "You have plans?"

"Dave wants me to meet his sister, so I'm having coffee with him today."

"Are you meeting her at coffee?" You raised your eyebrow. She usually didn't like to meet a guy's family.

"I think so, yeah. Dave's pretty cool, so I figured I might as well stick with this one for a while." She looked at you, waiting for you to make some comment about this being out of character for her. When none came, she relaxed a bit.

"Is he close with his sister?"

"Closer than some, but they're not like, best friends or anything."

"That's really cool though, that he wants you two to meet," you smiled at her.

"Yeah," she laughed nervously, finishing her coffee.

"If you're going to get coffee with them though, maybe you should slow down for now, eh champ?" You teased as she went to get a third cup.

"Ugh, you're right," she sighed and deposited her mug into the sink. "I'm gonna start getting ready since it's going to take me about a million years. Don't go anywhere, I want you to make sure I look sister-appropriate."

"I'll be right here," you grinned cheekily at her as she left into her room.

Buzz buzz. Your phone moved slightly across the coffee table. You snatched it up to find a text from an unknown number.

After you pick up your suit, we have an assignment for you.

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