Chapter 4

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You woke up the next day before Stacy and set about cooking yourself some breakfast, making a little extra for her knowing she'd be up soon. That girl could never sleep in past ten.

It was nine thirty when she came out of her room, stretching and yawning, plump figure clad in nothing more than a long t-shirt and booty shorts.

"Hey, girl!" she gave you her standard morning greeting, brushing a strand of straight blonde hair behind her ear. "Aw, is this for me?" She beamed at you.

"It sure is, help yourself," you grinned back at her, having just sat down a few minutes ago to get started on your own helping.

"You're a goddamn angel, sometimes," she reached for a plate and served herself some of the meal you'd cooked for the both of you. "How was your day yesterday?"

You took a sip of your morning beverage. "Pretty good. Went out to coffee with this guy after Noble's class, and we're getting dinner tonight." You looked at her over your cup for her reaction, she was always telling you to go out and have some fun.

"Oh my god! Yes! Is he cute?"

"Pretty cute, yeah. He's smart, too, so far, which is cool."

"What's his name? I'm looking him up on Facebook right now," she said, getting up to retrieve her phone from her room.

You chuckled nervously, "Um, Peter Parker?"

She returned, sitting into her chair with a plop, and held her phone out across the table for you to look at the screen. "Is this him?"

"Yeah, that's him." You grinned. "What do you think?"

"He's cuuute! And he looks like a fucking dork. He's perfect for you," she grinned.

"Stacy, oh my god," you laughed.

"If you don't at least get some tongue tonight I'm going to be very disappointed," she gave you a stern look over the top of her phone, which she struggled to hold before cracking out into a massive smile. "He's shared some good stuff. Funny guy. I approve."

You laughed. "Thank you." You took a large bite of your food. "I'm gonna watch a few hours of Netflix before I finish off some essays, you got plans?"

"Shit, I'm going nowhere today. I'm in."

You and Stacy spent the better part of four hours watching Netflix shows in your shared living room, both still in your pajamas. As the credits rolled, you checked your phone.

"Ugh, it's one. I should work on my papers."

"Bring your laptop out here, you can work on them while we watch more TV!"

You groaned. "I get distracted. And I have two of them to work on, and then I have to go to my workshop thing and then I have to go straight to dinner after that-"

"Can I at least help pick out your outfit?" She looked at you with her best subtle puppy eyes.

You paused. Sighed. And then nodded. "But nothing outlandish, we're just getting Thai food, okay?"

She made a small fist pump motion. Stacy was one of your more stylish friends, and she always jumped at the chance to dress other people up. Normally you'd refuse, but she never dressed you too far out of your comfort zone and always still made you look like you. Just a slightly cuter you than usual.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now