Chapter 20

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The rest of your weekend was spent doing homework and rushing in and out of Noble's lab, doing experiments on the small glowing item you'd stolen from Stark and helping her finish work on The Heart—which you still didn't know the purpose of. You didn't see Peter until just before your class together at the beginning of next week, when you both went to get a late breakfast before class. The week was uneventful, just back to the usual schedule of classes, homework, Noble's Super Duper Secret Laboratory of Doom, and of course, Peter, who you found yourself seeing during every second of free time you both had.

Towards the end of the week, you were entering Noble's lab, a new bounce in your step. Noble pointed it out.

"Whoever you're seeing must be good for you. I've never seen you so bright and cheerful before, you're almost a new person!"

You grinned, turning around from closing the door, and stopped. "Where did it go?"

The room was empty, The Heart was gone, the only sign it had been there was a hook hanging from the ceiling where it had been for the last few months.

"Oh, my project? I finished! A.I.M. came to collect and ship it off to it's new home yesterday."

"Where?" You asked as you took off your coat and scarf and hung up your bag, slipping on some safety gloves and grabbing a pair of goggles.

"I can't tell you that, unfortunately." A pause. "No need for the safety gear today Y/l/n, I'm heading to the main offices to visit Mr. Adams. I would have called you, but it was a last minute thing. You've got the day off."

"Oh," you paused awkwardly and retraced your steps in reverse, taking off the safety gloves and goggles and slipping on your coat and donning your scarf. "Alright then. Is everything okay?"

"I just have to go there to pick up the details for my next project. Our lab hours may change, I'll email you with any new details."

With that she ushered you out, and the second you neared the main public subway system, your phone began to ring. Still recovering from the whiplash of your suddenly changed schedule, you flipped through your head for anything you could do while you were out, when your phone buzzed.

It was A.I.M. with an errand. Apparently a politician needed a little talking to.

No problem.

An hour later you found yourself slipping in through the top floor window of an office in an older brick building. They'd given you an address and a short set of instructions. What was so important that they needed you to go handle it?

I can damage his stuff but not him, you reminded yourself as you slid the window shut behind you and lowered the blinds. You turned around to scan over the office, eyes picking up small details. One picture frame with a photo of his wife beside the sleek monitor on his obviously expensive wooden desk, a filing cabinet, a shelf of thick books, a standing coat rack by the door, two wooden chairs facing the desk, and on one wall a painting of the Empire State Building. Everything obviously expensive.

You did a quick loop around the room, taking quick peeks into drawers and the two extra doors. One led to a private bathroom and the other was a small coat closet. The books were dry boring titles one would expect to see in an office of this type. The whole room was entirely unoriginal.

You heard footsteps approaching the office, and you took your spot on the far side of the room beside the window, standing with your arms crossed. The doorknob jiggled, turning, and the door swung open, a tall man in a clean dark suit entering. Was this guy actually whistling? He closed the door behind himself, and while his back was to you you cleared your throat.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now