Chapter 8

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"Hello Miss Y/l/n, I'm Doctor Schmidt. It's a pleasure to meet you," he reached out to shake your hand, a friendly smile on his face. "Please come this way, we'd like to draw a blood sample before we begin observing."

Doctor Schmidt was surprisingly warm and friendly, like he was a family friend you'd known forever, and you relaxed, not realizing just how anxious you'd been. "What're ya gonna do with the blood, make evil clones or something?"

He laughed. "Dear lord, no. We want to compare your blood before and after exertion and using your abilities, see what differences we find and how it affects your biology."
You nodded. "Sounds fair."

"Jenkins here will be doing the biological samples."

Jenkins was a thin gray-haired man with dry skin and a stoic-bordering-on-grumpy face. He took your blood and swabbed the inside of your cheek for DNA samples with hardly a word other than instructing you to open your mouth and grumbling that the needle may hurt a pinch. You didn't like him very much.

Schmidt brought you over to the other two scientists, a dark skinned woman with short cropped hair and a relaxed smile, and a tall chubby bearded pale man with a deep and playfully sarcastic voice. The two men called the woman simply "Eto," and Eto and Doctor Schmidt called the sarcastic man "Jimmy." You liked all three of them instantly.

Eto hooked some electrodes up to your head and chest underneath your tank-top. "Normally I'd buy a girl a drink before reaching down her shirt like this," she joked with you. You laughed.

They started you off with simple exercises, running on the treadmill as long as you could or as fast as you could, lifting weights, punching bag, some agility stunts. And then they ran you through them again, and told you to use your powers. Your glowing feet cracked the treadmill after just a few minutes.

"Holy shit dude, you broke the treadmill!" Jimmy yelled out.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry-"

"That was amazing! Do you know how fast you were going?"

"Um, no?"

"Really damn fast. Like, not quite supersoldier fast, but fast."

Moving on to the weights, you impressed them yet again.

"This is amazing, your strength almost doubles when you use your abilities, I bet if you strained just a little more it would even triple!" Eto's eyes were lighting up like a kid on Christmas morning.

"I think we should have her fight one of the bots."

"Schmidt, are you sure about that?"

"She's fought Spider-Man and won. We can set it on easy to start."

You were nervous. "I'm gonna fight a robot?"

"It's kind of like a crash-test dummy, but way more high tech. And bigger. My own creation," Jimmy bragged.

They went with you to a side room, the floor was covered in mats, and one wall lined with mirrors. Jimmy wheeled in a robot, shiny chrome and clear plastic showing wiring. It's head was covered in some sort of padding, as was it's chest, stomach, back, legs, and outer arms.

"What's the padding?" you asked.

"Sensors to see how hard you actually hit it, all that jazz." He stepped away, joining his colleagues by the door, pulling out a small remote—presumably for the robot—and pressed a button.

The robot came to life. You immediately went into a fighting position, fists glowing and ready to kick some ass.

"Me first, or is the robot going to make the first-?"

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now