Chapter 32

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Peter seated you on the edge of Harry's massive tub and dug out the first aid kit from a tall cabinet standing in the corner. He placed the box on the marble counter by the sink and got out a handful of small things. You watched him wash his hands and then carefully rip open a little square and take out a damp sterilizing cloth. He turned towards you and crouched in front of you. You silently lowered the icepack and held it in your lap, watching Peter's eyes as he tenderly dabbed the cloth along the cut and then wiped the now dry small smear of blood from your cheek. You only slightly winced. His eyes flicked to yours and he smiled widely as he stood up and went back to the counter to get a small bottle of salve.

"What are you staring at me like that for?"

"Nothing," you tried not to grin back at him.

"Nothing?" He teased.

"You're just cute when you concentrate, is all," you smiled as he knelt down to dab a tiny bit of salve onto the cut with his middle finger.

"Stop staring Y/n, you're giving me performance anxiety."

You laughed. "Like you ever have that problem, you love the attention."

He chuckled, returning back to the first aid kit. "I'm gonna use a butterfly closure for your cheek, I think it's too close to your eye for a bandaid to be comfortable. It'll be kinda awkward getting it on there."


"How does the rest of your cheek feel? Bruising yet?"

"It's sore, but not bruise-y."

He nodded, opening something and dropping the wrapper on the ground. "Alright, turn your cheek towards the light so I can see it properly and get this thing on there," he kneeled down, tapping your chin. "Up just a little—perfect."

You could see the back of his head in the full mirror across from you, and his fingers carefully pinching the small cut shut and placing the little white strip over it.

"Hey, Peter?" You swallowed, nervous.

"All done." He patted your knee, but didn't move away from you. "What's up?"

You turned and looked at him straight in his eyes.

"What? Are you oka-?"

"I love you too, Peter."

His eyes jumped back and forth between yours, and his mouth split into the biggest grin you'd ever seen on his face. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." You nodded.

One hand gently resting on your knee and with the other he cupped the hurt side of your face, he leaned closer. "Yeah?"

"Now you're just teasing me, Peter!"

He laughed. "I love you too, Y/n."

You grinned and mockingly replied with a sarcastic "Yeah?"

"Oh, my god, stop it," he laughed and kissed you firmly. You could feel him trying not to smile. He pulled away. "I'll clean up all the wrappers, and then let's go have some celebratory drinks, yeah?"

"That sounds great. I'll put the kit away."

You put the kit back on the shelf as Peter grabbed all of the wrappers and put them in the trash. You opened the door to go back out, but he grabbed your arm and stole a long kiss before you could leave. You laughed, and hand in his, dragged him back out to the party.

"There you two are! Come on, you need to have some drinks!" Harry found the two of you almost immediately and pushed you both over to the kitchen. "Bartender! My good man, get these two the most delicious, strongest drinks you can! They've got catching up to do!" Harry clapped a hand on your shoulder and his other on Peter's. "I want Peter so drunk that he gives Y/n a lap dance in front of the whole party!"

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now