Chapter 7

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After Thomas and Vania said goodbye to everyone. The boys made Vania promise to come back soon to see them practice. One of the boys also informs Vania that they are going to have a performance soon around the school. "You should come and see us," Robert suggests smiling.

"Sure. Just tell me when I will go."Vania replied smiling.

"Alright. we should be heading out. "Thomas walked up to them.

"Alright. It was nice meeting you guys." Vania told the rest of the band.

"Likewise," Fetcher replied, nodding.

Thomas and Vania started their way to Vania's house."So what did you think about everyone?" Thomas broke the silence

"Everyone is nice and very welcoming. You're lucky to have them." Vania replied, looking at Thomas.

"I think so. "Thomas said, smiling.

"I wish I had that."Vania sighed.

"Don't you? I mean I see you hanging some of your team. Thomas questioned looking at Vania.

"I do. I don't know. I used to have it but Eden changed most of them. I miss them. We used to be so close that we knew everyone inside out even if there were 14 of us."Vania answered before continuing. "I used to think that I'm a lucky girl since I had amazing friends and a boyfriend that was sweet as it could be but now he's looking at all the girls. My friends, well most of them are complete assholes. I love them with all my heart. I don't have in me to just quit them."

Thomas just stayed silent since he has never heard Vania talk bad about the Ducks. "Where did that come from?" Thomas asked quietly

"It's been inside of me ever since we beat Varsity. I have just been keeping it inside of me but hearing Alyssa talking bad about them and I didn't even have it in me to disagree with her." Vania replied crossing her arms

"They're lucky to have you. You have stuck with them. Your boyfriend even more. You don't quit on them."Thomas spoke looking at Vania.

"Thanks. Can you tell them that."Vania jokes, smiling, making Thomas smile as well.

"Well do." Thomas nudges her.

Once they finally got to Vania's house. "This is me." Vania looks at her house.

"It's nice," Thomas said, looking at the house.

"Thank you," Vania replied.

"Well thank you for coming with me to my band's practice," Thomas said

"Thank you for taking me. You guys sound very good." Vania replied

"Oh, you did listen to us. I mean I saw that you were very into the girl chat with the girls." Thomas joked, crossing his arms.

"It seems that you have underestimated me. I could multitask. I mean I could play hockey and still listen to my teammates in case they are open." Vania flips her hand over her shoulder making Thomas laugh.

Suddenly they heard the front door open revealing Vania's dad.

"I thought I heard voices and I was about to come and kick them off my lawn. " Manuel joked coming out and walking up to Vania and Thomas

"Dad this is Thomas, "Vania spoke looking at her dad.

"Hello, sir," Thomas says, pulling his hand to Manuel to shake his hand. Manuel nodded and shook his hand.

"He was the guy that I went to see his band practice with," Vania informs Manuel, who smiles at Thomas.

"You sing?"Manuel question

"Sometimes, My friends Robert is the one that sings most of the song." Thomas answer

"Really. Do you guys play instruments or just sing." Manuel asked, making Vania shake her head.

"We do. I play bass. My friend Robert and Gordon play guitar while my friend Fletcher plays drums." Thomas replied smiling, feeling proud about talking about the band.

"That's nice, man." Manuel smiles and nods.

"Well, we should go inside before mom also comes outside," Vania spoke, pushing Manuel towards the house.

"Are you embarrassed by me?" Manuel asked, faking hurt.

"Never father" Vania replies, still pushing him to the house.

"It was nice meeting you, sir. Thank you for letting your daughter come after school to see us practice."Thomas spoke out as Manuel and Vania were near the door. Before Manuel could reply Vania had finally got him inside. Vania just nods and smiles goodbye and shuts the door.

"VANESSA" Manuel yelled out as Vania shut the door.

Vanessa walked into the hallway seeing Manuel smiling and Vania near the door.

"Our baby made a new friend," Manuel said, smirking at Vania.

"Really who?" Vanessa asked, walking towards Manuel, who wrapped his arm around her waist.

"A cutie named Thomas"Manuel looked at Vania who was turning red.

"A cutie?" Vanessa replies, smiling at her husband and daughter.

"He's just a friend's mom." Vania replied.

"I don't know. He was giving my songbird heart eyes."Manuel smirks Vania who just rolled her eyes playfully.

Vania completely forgot what had happened with Luis. She just smiles at her parents and thinks back about how sweet the band and the girls were towards her.

So how are everyone? Like always comment down what you think about the chapter. Are you Team Thomas or Team Luis? What should Vania do? Should Vania already go with Thomas or should she stay and work things out with Luis? Comment what she should do. Like always thank you for reading and love you.


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