Chapter 6

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Once Vania felt a bit calmer. She walked over to the main building and saw Thomas waiting there on his phone.

"Hey, Thomas," Vania spoke, making Thomas look up and smile at her.

"Hey, how was your last class?" Thomas asked.

"It was okay I supposed," Vania replied, nodding trying to avoid thinking about what had happened a few moments ago.

"Alright, you already told the lie. Now for the truth. " Thomas took Vania's bag and started to walk towards the exit of the school.

"It was fine but when I was coming over here. Something happened and I guess. I can't stop thinking about it." Vania sighed walking beside Thomas.

"If you are not up for it then you can meet the band later." Thomas suggests looking worried.

"It's fine Thomas." Vania dismisses it and smiles.

"Alright." Thomas smiles back.

Thomas started to lead Vania to where his band was practicing. "I promise that you will love them. They are dorks but they're hilarious." Thomas spoke after a while of walking.

"I'm sure that they are."Vania replied, nodding seeing that Thomas looks excited to introduce the band.

"I just want to tell you that if you ever wanted to leave. Just tell me. I will walk you to your house. Sometimes even my friend's girlfriends get annoyed with the music or us in general. So they leave early" Thomas said, looking at Vania.

"Thomas, that's very sweet of you but I could walk myself if I want to leave, which I doubt anyways." Vania smiled and blushing since it was sweet of Thomas to consider her.

"I don't know. We kinda suck." Thomas joked.

"Then why are you taking me to see your band practice then?" Vania asked, faking shocked.

"Just to make your ears bleed really," Thomas replied seriously. Vania just laughs and pushes Thomas lightly.

Once they got to one of Thomas' bandmate's house. Vania saw three other guys with each girl next to them. "Guys, this is Vania." Thomas spoke a bit loud to get their attention. They all smile at them and walk up to them. "Vania, this is my bandmate. Robert, Fletcher, Gordon." Thomas pointed to each one of them.

"Hey."Vania smiled and nodded to them.

"Since Thomas was so rude to forget us. I'm Alex. This is Alyssa and Lauderdale."One of the girls spoke up and smiled.

"Hi,"Vania replied, smiling back.

"Shall we start practicing," Robert said, clapping his hands together.

Everyone nods and they walk more inside the house. They walked into the garage.

Alex softly grabs Vania's arm. "We sit on the couch over there. Want to join us?" Alex says. Vania nods and walks over to the couch where all the other girls are.

For a while, all the girls talked with Vania making her more comfortable with them. Vania would sometimes make eye contact with Thomas. He would smile, making Vania smile back.

"So what do you like to do?" Alyssa asked

"Well, I play hockey mostly." Vania answered.

"Wait, do you play with the Ducks," Alex asked shocked.

This quickly made Vania's stomach drop. "Um yeah, I do." Vania nods.

"Really?" Lauderdale asked. Vania nods.

"You're very sweet and nice. The other girls are rude and stuck up."Alyssa spoke shocked.

"Alyssa!" Lauderdale put her hand on Alyssa's mouth.

"That's her friends. I'm sorry."Alex said, rubbing Vania's arm.

"It's fine, I mean she's not wrong."Vania dismissed it and shrugged.

"Still it's rude to speak like that." Lauderdale replied.

"It's fine."Vania answers smiling and all of them.

"See! Even Vania thinks that the other girls are bitches" Alyssa spiked after Lauderdale took her hand from her mouth.

Alex and Lauderdale just hit their head with her hand. Vania just chuckles weakly.

"Trust me. They were sweet before. The nicest girls you could meet but after we beat the varsity team. Most of them just turn .... bitches" Vania spoke sadly.

"Hey, we're done practicing." Thomas walked up to them. Vania smiles and nods.

"Anyways thanks for letting me hang out with you girls." Vania stood up and turned to the girls.

They just smile and nod. "It's nothing. You're nice company. You should come more often. So we can chat." Alex smiled.

"Plus we're always with the band in school. Just find one of us. You can always come up to us. " Alyssa replied.

"Got it." Vania smiles and nods.

Thomas smiles that Vania got along with the boys' girlfriends.

"We should probably get you home." Thomas spoke. Vania turns to Thomas and nods.

They both said goodbye to everyone and took their leave.

So how is everyone doing? Did you like the new chapter? I do have a question. What are your thoughts about this whole mess? Are you guys Team Thomas or Team Luis? Should Vania already go with Thomas or should she stay and work things out with Luis? Comment what she should do. Like always thank you for reading and love you.


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