Chapter 21

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Connie called Coach Bombay to come into town for their practice since she wanted to tell both coaches about her. She's scared out of her wits. So now she's walking inside the rink to see everyone skating already.

She looked at Guy, who was talking to Kenny. He looked very excited about something. They both looked so invested in the conversation.

She looks over to Vania, she was with Dean and Adam. They were trying to get each other to fall by pushing one another.

The more she stares at both of them. She feels sicker. They have been there for her since she could remember.

"Connie, why are you late? " Coach Orion asked, walking up to her.

"Um, I'm sorry about that" Connie looked over and saw both of her coaches were walking up to her.

"Gordon here said that you called him yesterday to come here," Coach Orion said, looking at the other man.

"Yeah, why is that Connie?" Coach Bombay asked, confused.

Connie took a breath and exhaled. "Actually I need to tell you something. "

"Well how about you get in your gear and we will talk about it after practice" Coach Orion spoke nodding towards the locker room.

"Actually it's very important. I need to tell you right now" Connie replied, rubbing her hands together.

"Well let's go and talk in my office"Coach Orion said confused

The three of them went into Coach Orion's office. They shut the door. Both of the coaches went behind the desk and Connie sat in the chair.

"What's up Connie" Coach Bombay asked

"I'm got stop playing hockey for a while," Connie said nervously

"You're quitting," Coach Bombay asked surprise

"No. I'm just taking a break" Connie answer

"Why," Orion asked confused

"Um well this is very hard to say but I'm pregnant" Connie spoke nervously

"What? With Guy?" Coach Bombay asked

"No with Luis" Connie replied

"What? " Coach Orion asked

" We went to a party. We got drunk and well we found each other and the rest is something else" Connie explained

"Connie what are you planning to do with baby" Coach Bombay asked

"I don't know" Connie answered

"Well are you telling the team" Coach Orion asked

" I am after the game this Friday. " Connie nodded. She promised her mom that she was going to tell the ducks after the game on Friday.

"Well, then I guess you're dismissed from practices this week" Coach Orion spoke shocked.

Connie nodded and quickly got and left. She was not looking forward to telling everyone.

Hello my beautiful readers. I hope you guys enjoy this. What are your thoughts on this? What do you think would happen? Team Luis or Team Thomas? Like always comment on what Vania should do.

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