Chapter Three

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Vania POV

The Next Day

I woke up from the sound of my parents walking up and down in the hallway. From the sound of it. They're very busy. After they came back. My dad just focused on trying to get a job which he got very quickly. He works now as a promoter for some fancy music business. He gets paid a lot. My mom just wants to lay low for a while. So she just stays at home. She says that she wants to work eventually but not right now. No one really blames her. From what I heard from my parents. She was really worried about me and what happened to me. The Kidnappers told them nothing.

My mom walks into my room. "Hey, sweetheart, did we wake you up?" My mom asked as she walked over to my bed and sat down on the foot of my bed. I just smile at her. "Kinda but don't worry about it. I was about to wake up anyway. Got school today." My mom just smiles and nods. She kisses my forehead. "Alright, if you say so. " After she walks out of my room.

At that moment. I felt like I was a little kid again. My mom walked in and gave me a short talk. Then giving me a kiss on the forehead and walking out. I remember every single time I looked at her. I thought she was the most breath-taking woman ever. I knew she was on my side. Even when I was wrong and I loved her for giving me her eyes. My dad always told me when I was younger that I have my mom's eyes. I thought that her eyes were so soft-looking. She always has this light and she still does have that light. She always stayed back and watched me shine. Whether in the ice or anything. She and my dad are my biggest fans.

I got up and got ready for the day ahead of me. Which I'm not really looking forward to. I love hockey but what's fun about it if your "teammates" are just strangers to you. I sometimes just wish we could just play like in the old times.

I got a ride from Dean. "Hey, Vania," Dean said once I got into the car. "Hey, Dean" "You ready for today" "Isn't it like the same thing every single day for the past three years" Dean just chuckled and drove away from my house.

Once we got to school. Dean told me that he was meeting up with some girl for his class project. I just nodded and he walked away. I sighed looking at the school. I can't wait to get the hell away from this rotten place that changed my friends. I walked inside.

I went to my locker and opened it. I took out my books for my first block, which is music. I closed my locker but once I walked away I bumped into another person.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. " I looked to see who it was. I saw one of the guys I have in my music class. "It's fine it happens to the best of us. " I replied, smiling at him. He just shyly nodded. "Aren't you part of the Ducks. " I just smile fakely and nod, of course, he recognizes the ducks. "Oh, I didn't mean to do anything wrong. "he looked panicked "I'm sorry," I asked confused. "You were smiling but then you turned it into a fake one." He explained pointing to my mouth. I looked down, blushing. No one has ever noticed that so quickly. Besides my parents.

"I don't know what I did but I'm sorry " He continued and I just smiled at him softly. "Don't worry about it. It's fine ""You know I'm not trying to be rude but why do you still play with them? " He asked after a few seconds. "They're my friends," I replied, fixing my backpack. " Yeah but you're still dating Mendoza even though he's very rude to you" "What do you mean" "you're telling me that you don't see him checking out other girls. I mean if you ask me. He should only be staring at you." I just stood there not knowing what to tell him. "You deserve better than that. You look better than those wannabe's if you ask me" He says very shyly and I just smile at him.

"I'm Vania" I just said and he looked at me and smiled huge. "I'm Thomas" I nod. "Well, Thomas, I do believe that you're in my first class. We should be heading over. Thomas nodded and started to walk with me towards the classroom.

So what do you think? Comment your thoughts on this Thomas guy. Do you think he's nice or do you think he's no good? What about what he said about Luis.?

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