Chapter 25

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After both Luis and Connie talked with Coach Orion. They made a plan of when to tell the ducks about Connie. Both Connie and Luis were not ready for their stares, especially Guy and Vania. They were the most important people and they knew that they were about to lose them completely.

The day that they plan to tell the team. Connie and Luis just drag themselves during the day, hoping that maybe the end of the school day would end and they would never lose Vania and Guy. The bond that they formed was going to be destroyed and who knew if they could ever get that back.

Once the final bell and they walked inside of the rink to find all the ducks sitting in the benches where the audience who sat to watch the game. No one was wearing gear. Most likely told by Coach Orion. They walked up to the front where Coach was.

"You ready?" Coach Orion whispers, both Connie and Luis nod weakly already knowing what's going to happen.

"Remember, this is a team and we need to stick together even if it's hard. Now Connie and Luis need to tell you something and I don't want to see anyone speak until they're done." Coach order.

Everyone just nods confusedly.

Coach Orion looks at them and nods, walking to sit by the team.

" There is no easy way to confess this butI'm pregnant" Connie said, making everyone's eyes widen.

"But we never.."Guy started but Luis spoke up before he could finish.

"With my baby" Luis whisper

"WHAT?" Dean yelled angrily.

"Portman" Coach Orion gave Dean a warning.

"When?" Julie asked

"The party from a couple of weeks ago" Connie answered looking down.

No one dared to speak after the confession was made. The room was heavy energy.

"Connie won't be able to play anymore. This is why they told but this just means that we need to come up with a plan as a team." Coach Orion spoke lightly.

"This isn't a team coach. It hasn't been one for three years." Dean spoke, shaking his head.

"Dean.." Coach started but Adam stood up.

"He's right, most of this team has cared more about being popular than the actual game for three years now. Yes, we won almost every game we played but that's just because we're good players. We say that we have each other's backs on the ice but we don't." Adam spoke, making everyone look at each.

"I think what's best for this is taking a break. We have our final game in a couple of weeks. We have time to come back and practice as a team" Coach Orion whispered.

After everyone left, Dean and Adam made sure that Luis stayed away from Vania.

Well, that happened.....So really question, I have about three more already written drafts for you to read. Would you if I start to publish one chapter every single day or once a week, you know to build up the tense for y'all. Anyways I hope that you guys loved the chapter like I love writing it for you. Like always comment your thoughts down below and tell me your thoughts about this whole mess. It's getting heated up here. So are you team Luis or Team Thomas. What should Vania do with Connie and Luis? What would you like to see happen? You know I might put it here. Anyways till next time.


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