Chapter 9

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When the last class came around, Thomas managed to get out of Eden and he started his way towards Vania's House. He is quite nervous about asking Vania's parents. Last night when he met Vania's dad. He seemed like he liked him. The thing is Vania's mom. He hasn't had a moment with her. Then a cheesy thought came across in his head. If they were able to make Vania and shape her into the way she was. Then they were pretty amazing. But Thomas shook his head at the thought. He can't get his hopes up. Vania has a boyfriend and making her cheat was unfair. He wasn't that type of person. Even if Luis was rude and a dick as Gordon said. His parents taught him better.

Once he got to Vania's house. He nervously knocks the door. He only needed to wait for a second when the door opened. He came faced with Manuel. "Oh hey, Thomas. Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" Manuel asked, confused.

"Yes, but I got out," Thomas said, suddenly realizing that skipping class doesn't really look good considering that he was going to ask if Vania could come and see him perform.

"Why did you get out and why come here?" Manuel asked, crossing his arm looking amused.

"I wanted to ask you and your wife something." Thomas replied nervously.

"Invite him already Manuel. I could feel his nervousness from away over here." Thomas heard a woman's voice coming from the house.

Manuel nods and opens the door more for Thomas to come in. Thomas took his shoes and looked around to see that the house looks extremely homey. The other time he feels like that is when he's home. "You have a lovely home Mr.Miranda" Thomas spoke looking at Manuel.

"Thank you but you need to tell that to my wife and Vania. They were the ones that decorated and worked on it. I just nod and agree with them." Manuel jokes, making Thomas smile and nod.

"My dad is like that too with my mom and sister." Thomas reply

"He knows." Manuel answer

"Please continue Manuel." They both heard Vania's mom standing in the door frame from the kitchen.

"V! Thomas met my lovely and very gorgeous wife and mother of my equally gorgeous child." Manuel quickly walked over to her and grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Vanessa" Vania's mom extends her hand towards Thomas.

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am," Thomas said nervously, smiling.

Thomas took a moment to look over at them. He clearly sees that Vania is their child. She looks like them but combined. Vania has Vanessa's eyes but Manuel's smile. They look very in love. He can see it from the way that Manuel looks at Vanessa. It's the same that his dad gives his mom.

"Now what did you want to ask us, Thomas." Vanessa broke his trance

"Well my band is performing this Saturday and I wanted to ask if you would let Vania join us." Thomas asked nervously.

"Oh yeah, Vania mentioned it last night. She says that you guys are very good." Manuel spoke and nodded.

"I see why she couldn't go. She didn't have practice or a game that day." Vanessa said, looking at Manuel to see if he agrees.

"True plus she doesn't go out as much anymore," Manuel nodded and smiled at Vanessa when he made eye contact with her.

"But quick question, who else is going? Like are you guys bringing anyone else to the performance," Vanessa asked looking at Thomas.

"Actually my mates are bringing their girlfriends. Vania met them yesterday. They adore her." Thomas answers smiling thinking about the girls talking about Vania when he returns. They were saying she was the sweetest girl they ever met.

"Good, she needs more girlfriends." Manuel pretends to flip his invisible hair.

"Don't do that again love." Vanessa spoke giggling at her husband's actions.

Thomas can clearly see the love and friendship between Vania's parents. Then smile just thinking about Vania. He quickly shook his head. "I should be taking my leave but thank you for letting me into your lovely home." Thomas spoke, breaking the eye contact between the couple.

When he was about to open the door, Manuel spoke up. "Thomas one more thing. Keep a lookout for my daughter"

"That was already part of the plan sir. It's a given." Thomas smiles and nods.

Hello, my amazing readers! How's everyone on this lovely day? Like always comment down what you think about the chapter. Are you Team Thomas or Team Luis? What should Vania do? Should Vania already go with Thomas or should she stay and work things out with Luis? Comment what she should do. Like always thank you for reading and love you.
Don't forget to write down what you think. It does help me be more motivated to keep writing the story. I want to hear from you guys. You are the ones that keep this book moving forward. Until the next chapter.

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