Chapter 38

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Even telling the same story about leaving about three times now, the one that she has to tell Dean and Adam is going to be hard. Yes Charlie is her best friend and Thomas is her crush but Dean and Adam have been there for three years now. They formed a trio of misfits. It's going to be hard to tell them.

Vania knew that Adam was going to Los Angeles and Dean wanted to go back to his hometown after graduation but she was going to have to say goodbye to them sooner than she expected.

Vania was going to tell them in their monthly break into the rink of the school at night and skating. Once they managed to get into the rink, they got their skates and started to skate around.

"I can't believe that we have managed to break in and no ones know" Adam whisper

"Nah I feel like Coach Orion knows but doesn't want to say anything" Dean replied, making Adam and Vania smile.

"I agree" Vania piped smiling

"So Charlie told me that you guys talked," Adam said looking over at Vania.

"We did and I heard that you guys also" Vania nudged Adam.

"Yeah, we're working on it" Adam nod

"Well I'm happy for you" Vania replied

"Aww we're all just a happy family aren't we" Dean jokes

"I actually have to tell you something" Vania stopped in front of them.

"What is it?" Dean asked

"I'm leaving in two weeks" Vania let out

"What? Where?" Adam asked, shocked.

"I got cast in this show that I auditioned for and they want me to leave to start filming in Salt Lake City" Vania explained nervously.

"Vania that this once a lifetime chance. I'm happy for you" Dean said, hugging her.

"You not mad or anything," Vania asked

"Vania, anyone knows that this is an amazing chance for you. You would be crazy to not go" Adam spoke

"I love you guys" Vania whisper

"We love you," Adam replied. They pull in for a group hug.

"Hey, we're still Ducks," Dean replied, nudging them, making them laugh.

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